(Bishop’s Letterhead)
Dear Personalized salutation:
Peace and blessings to you.
Rarely, in this day in age, do we come across a highly creative concept that is making such a significant positive impact on our world, and helping build the body of Christ in such a profound way.
I’ve recently learned about a new Catholic apostolate called Catholics Come Home®. Their media outreach efforts are receiving a great deal national and international acclaim.
Catholics Come Home®creates and broadcasts television spots on top local television stations, and directs viewers to an interactive website These broadcast television messages and website are quite amazing, as they are helping thousands of inactive Catholics return to our Catholic family. In fact, in the Diocese of Phoenix, Catholics Come Home®helped as many as 92,000 inactive Catholics and converts home to the Catholic Church this past Lent!
I have decided to assemble a group of our brightest Catholic leaders from our Lincoln Diocese, who could help bring this campaign to television airwaves later this year. In the future, Catholics Come Home® hopes to air similar spots on all the major U.S. television networks, and perhaps even during the Super Bowl.
Your involvement with this campaign could make a profound difference in countless lives and souls locally and throughout our Universal Catholic Church. I’m inviting you to make a brief investment of a little more than an hour of your time, by attending an upcoming lunch or dinner event.
Because I firmly believe in what this effort can mean to the approximately XX,000 inactive Catholics in the Diocese of Lincoln, 30 million souls across the United States, and 1 billion worldwide who have left the Church, I am asking for your help.
Please join us for one brief presentation on your choice of either date:
•Monday, September 29th for dinner, from 6 to 7:30 pm
•Tuesday, September 30th for lunch, from 11:30am to 1pm
Either session you select will take place at the (insert location and address). This one time lunch or dinner event will truly help launch this important effort in our area, and eventually nationwide.
Please know how thankful I am for all you do for the Church in the Diocese of Lincoln and our community in general. We are grateful that you may be able to share your time, talents and treasure to help grow this important Catholic evangelization effort.
May God’s peace and love be with you now and always.
(Closing and signature of Bishop Bruskewitz)
P.S. Please R.S.V.P. by mailing your reply card, with your preferred date selected, by Friday, September 19h, using the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. Thank you.