ASSIGNMENT #3-Education Program

Deadline:Tuesday, September 25, 2007, Beginning of class

You have been hired by the Board of Education as the urban horticulturist in charge of submitting a proposal for the programming of a half-day, 9 am-12 pm, school-based intervention program for a class of 245th grade students. This program will serve as a pilot program for a larger population.

Objectives: To improve children’s attitudes toward vegetables and their knowledge of the benefits of vegetables as it relates to childhood obesity and Type II diabetes.

Locate a school garden.

Pick your population: African-American children in poverty

Hispanic children in poverty

Research childhood obesity and Type II diabetes.

Justifywhy your selected audience meets the stated objective.

Garden vegetables (choose at least 3):

Beans, snapBroccoliCarrotsCherry Tomatoes

Lettuce, Head, Leaf or Romaine Peas, SouthernSpinach

Pumpkins, small

Research and develop a schedule of events for the half-day program. The activities should not only be horticulturally related to the topic area ofnutrition,childhood obesity and Type II Diabetes, but must also be age-appropriate for fifth graders (check the TEKS). In addition to a schedule, you must also develop a cover sheet, index,advertisements,overview, Activities (description of): to include; 1 original activity or project and two modified activities or projects, Program Evaluations: Teacher, and Student (knowledge acquired), Literature Citations and Appendix.

The education program can and should include, in addition to text, diagrams, and pictures to help illustrate the program, activities, advertisements, etc. You will use Roxann Poskey’s Magic and Mystery in the Garden as developed for a Literacy and Arts in the Garden educational program as a template (provided in your Case Study Example) along with the additional handouts attached.

This is a Formal Proposal that will be presented to the Board of Education therefore The proposal will be submitted in printed formaton letter-sized paper from an acceptable quality printer single-spaced, one sided, with the left margin of 1.50 (for binding purposes); the remaining three margins of 1.25; Font:Times New Roman, 12 pt; 12-15 pages. This should be bound professionally for submission AND in Electronic “Microsoft Word Format” on arewriteable CD (RWCD).

“Style” refers to grammar, spelling, use of appropriate vocabulary, and overall writing quality throughout the paper.

“Substance” refers to the thoroughness of preparation for the education program, appropriate use of facts and data, critical analysis of research for topic.

Content should include in the following order:

Title Sheet


Goal Statement



Overview (brief)


1 original





2 modified





Program Evaluation


 Literature Citations

American Psychological Association (AMA) 5th Edition

In Library




Evaluation Instruments

Research materials used to support program, articles etc.