Foods Foundations
Mrs. Roddan
Welcome! I’m so glad to have you in my classroom. This course is written to be dynamic, fun, and relevant for both the student and the teacher. The skills I intend to teach you will be immediately helpful and useful IF YOU CHOOSE to take advantage of the opportunities provided to you. I believe that EVERY student can earn an “A” in this class, but “A’s” are not giving out freely. You have to earn your grade.
Your quality of education is directly equal to the level of effort you put into it.
Teacher expectations:
Ø Challenge you
Ø Be clear about my expectations
Ø Make homework meaningful
Ø Be thorough in my explanations and instructions
Ø Answer appropriate questions at the appropriate time
Ø Give advanced warning about homework due dates and tests
Ø Give regular feedback
Ø Be available for individual help
Student expectations:
Ø Have an open mind, try new things, and be able to justify your position
Ø Behave as you would in the workplace
Ø Have assignments ready at the beginning of class unless otherwise noted
Ø Contribute to class in a positive way
Ø Be supportive of each other’s learning
Ø Ask appropriate questions at the appropriate times
Ø Be organized and prepared for class
Ø Read, Listen carefully to, and follow directions
Ø Attend regularly
Ø Electronic devices including cell phones, I-Pods, and headphones may be used at teacher discretion only.
Supplies: Students need a notebook/journal, a 3-ring binder and are expected to have loose-leaf paper and a writing utensil EVERY CLASS PERIOD. It is irresponsible to borrow paper or writing utensils from the teacher or other students, so be prepared!
NOTE! Keep all handouts and notes for the entire semester in a chronological order!
Tolerance, Acceptance, and Respect: We each bring a unique perspective to this class. We all have different experiences and none of us have the knowledge or the right to judge other’s opinions or choices. We each have a responsibility to contribute to meaningful discussion and a challenging classroom experience. We balance our respect for other’s opinions and choices with our need to expand our ideas and experiences by speaking for ourselves only (“I” statements), asking clarifying questions, and listening in order to understand before trying to be understood.
Classroom Management: In order to be productive, students need to:
· Be prepared for class to start at the bell
· Be attentive when others present or instruct
· Participate in all activities and discussions; either answer a question or ask one
· Follow teacher instructions
· Treat others as you would want to be treated
Problems will be handled using the following options (usually in a progressive manner depending upon severity of the situation)
Attendance: Poor attendance will affect your grade. No written assignment is a complete substitute for the activities and discussions we will have in class. I enforce the SHS attendance policy, which can be found in the student handbook. Tardiness will be officially recorded and will be addressed in a progressive manner: verbal warning, written warning, parent contact, detention with the teacher, parent conference, attendance contract, administrative referral, and finally after school detention for each subsequent incident.
Course Description: Students will learn basic cooking techniques, basic nutrition principles, how to make choices to eat more healthy food. Students will learn to make economical food choices. In addition, students will learn to work and study cooperatively with others.
Leadership: Students are strongly encouraged to join Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America. FCCLA is a national student leadership organization similar to DECA or Key Club, but it is the only one that has family as its focus. In Family and Consumer Sciences classes it is important that students can demonstrate leadership and citizenship not only in this class, but outside this classroom. Leadership cards will be handed out and students must obtain 100 points by the end of the semester. This assignment will be worth 10% of the students overall grade in class. Through leadership, students will receive skills and support toward becoming a successful individual, worker, family member and community member.
Grades and Evaluation: Students are expected to manage their own assignments and deadlines. All assignments will be given verbally as well as in writing. Evaluation will depend upon the type of assignment: participation, marking answers correct or incorrect (such as comprehension questions or quizzes and tests), or through the use of a scoring rubric, copies of which will be given to the students.
Safety Expectations:
1. Always maintain a safe condition for yourself and others.
2. Horseplay or throwing of things in class will NOT be tolerated.
3. Do not deface, disassemble or damage any furniture, equipment, or tools.
4. Report any damage or unsafe condition to the teacher.
5. Obtain permission before taking equipment, materials, projects, or supplies from
the classroom.
6. Return equipment and material to correct storage area, and clean the area you
work in daily to keep the classroom clean.
7. Pay attention and follow instructions. If you have any questions, please ask
before doing.
9. Clean up is a critical component of food preparation labs. Students do not leave
the room on lab days until their cooking unit has been inspected by the teacher!! Excused passes from the teacher will NOT be given out regularly.
Grading Scale:
/ 92-100% / 4.0 /A-
/ 90-91% / 3.7B+ / 88-89% / 3.3 / B / 82-87% / 3.0 / B- / 80-81% / 2.7
C+ / 78-79% / 2.3 / C / 72-77% / 2.0 / C- / 70-71% / 1.7
D+ / 68-69% / 1.3 / D / 60-67% / 1.0 / F / < 59% / 0.0
Semester grades are made up of the following values:
Leadership = 10%
Class work/Labs = 40%
Tests/Projects = 40%
Employability = 10%
Late work follow the CTE late work policy.
Make-up work: Students are expected to manage their own absences, make-up work, and deadlines; therefore, students are expected to ask the teacher for make-up work. I will not take time away from the whole class and give it to one student-that’s not fair to the class. Additionally, students who stay after school will get my full attention! Please let me know if transportation is a problem.
Make-up labs: If a student is absent the day of a lab, they will have the opportunity to make up the lab for up to 90%. Students will only be allowed to make up the lab if the absence is excused. The student will make the same food item they missed at home, fill out a make-up lab plan, and have a parent or guardian sign it.
Extended Learnings- Much of what is learned in class can be demonstrated at home as well. Because Family and Consumer Sciences emphasizes home and family life, throughout the semester there will be several occasions where students will be asked to demonstrate their knowledge and skills at home. This can be demonstrated through cooking a meal for a family, organizing the pantry, etc. Students will be notified with plenty of time when the assignment will be due so there will be time to plan accordingly at home.
Course Outline (Subject to change as determined by student needs)
Hand washing/sanitation, safety, food borne illnesses, recipe reading, measuring/kitchen basics, utensils, mis en Place, knife cuts and knife safety, leavening agents, breads, nutrients, superfoods, microwaves, diets/fad diets, meal planning, manners and etiquette, career opportunities, final on Fabulous Foods Facts.
Class Website: All the information that is presented in class can be found online. It is designed to help you become successful in class. If you are absent, you are to go online and see what we did in class for the day. I update my website EVERYDAY! Leadership opportunities, worksheets, entry tasks, PowerPoint’s, etc, can all be found on my website.
Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements:
Health and Fitness
2.2 Understand the concept of control and prevention of disease.
2.3 Acquire skills to live safely and reduce health risks.
3.1 Understand how environmental factors affect one’s health. (air, water, noise, chemicals)
3.3 Use social skills to promote health and safety in a variety of situations.
3.4 Understand how emotions influence decision making.
Reading: 1.2 Use vocabulary (word meaning) strategies to comprehend text.
2.1 Demonstrate evidence of reading comprehension.
Communication: 1.2 Listen & observe to gain & interpret information
3.1 Use language to interact effectively & responsibly with others
3.3 Seek agreement & solutions through discussion
4.1 Assess own & other’s communication strengths & needs & set goals for improvement
Writing: 2.0 Writes in a variety of forms for different audiences & purposes.
National Standards for Family & Consumer Sciences
Career, Community and Life Connections
1.1 Analyze strategies to manage multiple roles and responsibilities (individual, family, career, community, and global).1.2 Demonstrate transferable and employability skills in school, community and workplace settings.
Facilities Management and Maintenance
5.3 Demonstrate sanitation procedures for a clean and safe environment.
Food production and Services
8.1 Analyze career paths within the food production and food services industries.
8.2 Demonstrate food safety and sanitation procedures.
Food Science, Dietetics, and Nutrition
9.1 Analyze career paths within food science, food technology, dietetics, and nutrition industries
9.3 Evaluate nutrition principles, food plans, preparation techniques and specialized dietary plans.
Nutrition and Wellness
14.3 Demonstrate ability to acquire, handle, and use foods to meet nutrition and wellness needs of individuals and families across the life span.
14.4 Evaluate factors that affect food safety from production through consumption.
It is now time to make the commitment for your success in this class. Experience has shown me that those who get off to a good start have a much easier time succeeding. Family and Consumer Science classes are designed to give you hands-on learning experiences, so please read carefully and make sure you understand and agree. I would be happy to discuss any section of the syllabus with you.
To pass this course you and your parent/guardian must sign this course syllabus. By signing below, you are agreeing to all of the requirements outlined in the letter and agreeing to follow all safety procedures related to the Family and Consumer Science classroom. If you feel you can accomplish these guidelines, please sign below. Thank you and good luck! I look forward to getting to know you all and having fun this semester!
We understand and have read all the Family and Consumer Science rules, grading and expectations (especially in regard to electronics and cell phones):
Student Printed Name:______Period: _____
Student’s Signature: ______
Parent’s signature: ______
Date: ______
Parent contact (email and/or phone): ______
When would the best time to contact you be?
Emergency Contact: ______
Emergency Contact #: ______
Does your child have any food allergies? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If so list