Introduction Survey

Name (preferred nickname if applicable) Click here to enter text.

E-mail addressClick here to enter text.

Major / Degree program Click here to enter text.


What other courses (if any) are you currently taking this term?Click here to enter text.

What are your academic/professional goals?Click here to enter text.

What is the one accomplishment you are most proud of? Why? Click here to enter text.

What is one thing you would like to do better? What is your plan for improving? Click here to enter text.

Please list any hobbies, activities, or outside interests that you enjoy. Click here to enter text.

If you could be any superhero, who would it be? Why? Click here to enter text.

What do you like most about Georgetown? Click here to enter text.

What do you dislike most about Georgetown? (If you like everything about Georgetown, what would you like Georgetown to improve upon?) Click here to enter text.

What was the best course you ever took? What made that course so enjoyable? Click here to enter text.

Many surveys like this ask you to list your five favorite books, movies, TV shows, songs, animals, campus buildings, professors, or whatever. I'll give you a little more freedom. Pick a category of objects (it can be one that I listed, or a different category), and list your five favorite objects in that category. Click here to enter text.

What else should I know about you? Click here to enter text.

Since I'm asking you all of these questions, it is only fair that you get to ask me some questions. What, if anything, would you like to know about me? Click here to enter text.

At many institutions, Managerial Accounting is characterized in rather unflattering terms (i.e., boring; outdated; less relevant than financial accounting, etc.). Based on your own interactions, discussions, personal research, and overall campus buzz at Georgetown, what are your expectations of this course?

In 100 words or less, define accounting. Click here to enter text.