
From: Name of Investigator>, VA Investigator (554/151)

Subj: Recruitment of Non-Veteran Research Subjects

To: Director, Eastern Colorado Health Care System (554/00)

Thru: ACOS/R&D (554/151)

Chair, R&D Committee (554/151)

Chief, HAS (554/136)

Chief of Staff (554/11)

1.  I am requesting permission to recruit non-veteran research subjects for the study, . This study is being submitted for funding from the (Identify source of funding). (Insert a brief description of the study and justification why you need to recruit non-vet population.) The approximate number of non-veterans to be enrolled is and this represents % of our total enrollment. (NOTE: If project has VA funding, permission may be necessary from ORD.)

2.  In order to meet the goals of this important research project, we are asking your permission to recruit non-veterans. The enrollment of non-veterans is necessary as there are insufficient veterans available to complete this study. Although non-veteran subjects will be utilized, we believe the results will be generalizable to the veteran population.

3.  The enrollment of non-veterans was approved by the IRB on (insert date or is pending).

4.  The study budget has been reviewed and additional funding (identify: has been allocated / is not required) to accommodate the enrollment of non-veterans.

5.  All regulations pertaining to the participation of veterans as research subjects including requirements for indemnification in case of research related injury pertain to non-veteran subjects enrolled in VA-approved research.

6.  If I have failed to provide all the information you require, please feel free to contact me at . Your consideration of this request for permission to recruit non-veterans as research subjects is greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you.

Requester Name> (sign above name, no title is needed since it is used above on the “From” line UNLESS it varies from the listed title)

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Recruitment of Non-Veteran Research Subjects


Robert Keith, MD



Edward N. Janoff, MD

Chair, R&D Committee


Joshua Pridgen

Chief, Health AS


Ellen Mangione, MD

Chief of Staff


Carolyn L. Adams

Interim Director