Moving my Fiction Writing On- Level 2 » 3
Challenge Level / Targets / CommentsBronze
I must meet these targets / My writing shows some elements of a story structure.
I begin to think about who may be reading my writing….my audience.
Use simple noun phrases to add detail
Sometimes use capital letters and fullstops.
Write clear letters and do not use capital letters in the middle of words.
I should meet these targets. / Write mainly a sequence of events with some detail of the characters and setting.
Choose words and phrases to begin to be interesting for my reader.
Try to use a wider range of vocabulary in my phrases
Begin to use simple and compound sentences with simple connectives.
Use simple connectives with some repetition
I am trying hard to join up my letters and make them evenly sized.
Wow !!
I am working towards meeting these targets! / Begin to use the correct tense and choose when to use first or third person.
Write a simple sequence of events with an opening, follow on and conclusion
Try to use imaginative and exciting words in my descriptions of my characters and settings.
Choose my words carefully to make my reader want to read on.
Vary my use of simple and compound sentences with simple connectives.
Use he, she, they, we etc when talking about my characters
At least half my sentences use capital letters and full stops. I sometimes use !, ? and commas in lists
I join some of my letters and am working towards joining them all up
Spell my keywords and try to spell unknown words using the rules I have learnt.
Moving my Fiction Writing On- Level 3 » 4
ChallengeLevel / Targets / Comments
I must meet these targets / Use capital letters, full stops to mark at least half my sentences.
Write a sequence of events, with an opening, a follow through and an ending.
Spell my keywords and try to spell new words with help.
Choose my words carefully to make my reader want to read on.
I should meet these targets. / Use commas, ? and ! and apostrophes when I leave a letter out.
Write sentences that make sense and move my writing on.
Some of the verbs I have used have adverbs to describe them.
Try to use imaginative and exciting words in my descriptions.
Use a range of simple connectives to extend my sentences such as but, when, so after, finally,. Although etc.
Add interest to my writing by including a simple setting and description of my character.
Use the correct tense and choose when to use first or third person.
Join up my handwriting and make my letters evenly sized.
Wow !!
I am working towards meeting these targets! / Begin to use organise my writing into paragraphs to show a change in place, time, character or event.
Use adventurous words to add detail and keep my reader interested.
Vary my sentences to include simple and complex sentences. Begin to use a wider range of connectives.
Use a new line and “” for speakers. The characters talk to each other like they would in real life.
Use a dictionary to spell unknown words.
Begin to give my reader more information about my characters, actions and settings so they can build a clearer picture of them.
Moving my Fiction Writing On- Level 4 »5
Challenge Level / Targets / CommentsBronze
I must meet these targets / Use capital letters, full stops, can’t apostrophes, commas in lists, ? and !
Write a sequence of events with a clear opening, a follow through and an appropriate ending.
Write sentences that make sense and move my writing on.
Join up my handwriting and make my letters evenly sized.
Use a range of simple connectives to extend my sentences.
I should meet these targets. / Organise my writing into paragraphs that show a change in place, time, character or event.
Use adventurous words to add detail and keep my reader interested.
Vary my sentences to include simple and complex sentences.
Begin to give my readers more information about my characters, setting and action so they can build a clearer picture of them.
Use a dictionary to help me spell words I am not sure of
Use a new line and “” for speakers. The characters talk to each other like they would in real life.
Wow !!
I am working towards meeting these targets! / Use a wider range of connectives and vary where in the sentence I use them.
Use a wider range of punctuation well
: ;- ( ) – …… ‘ for possession, , in embedded clauses
Use a wide range of adventurous and precise vocabulary for effect.
Interweave speech, narrative and action through my writing.
Use a variety of techniques like similes, metaphors, questions etc to draw my reader in.
Use embedded clauses to develop the style of my sentences.
Include comments on the thoughts and feelings of my characters.
Use techniques such as building up suspense, adding twists and using cliff hangers to maintain interest.
Develop my interaction of my characters, action and setting to influence the plot and to give my readers more understanding of them.