PPA/ARD/Test FacilitiesNLCTA Electromagnet Equipment Users Guide

NLCTA Electromagnet
Equipment Lockout Users Guide


This Users Guide provides instructions for Authorized Employees and their Supervisors on an appropriate method for the control of hazardous energy from NLCTA beamline electrical hazards.

The NLCTA Electromagnet Equipment Lockout Procedure (02-03-10), performed by a NLCTA EOIC Qualified Operator, secures and locks out all power supplies connected to hazardous magnet systems within the NLCTA Accelerator Enclosure. All beamline electrical hazards, excepting those guarded with protective covers, are included in that ELP. Following the lock-out, the keys for the power supplies are locked into the NLCTA Lock-Out Box.

The NLCTA Electromagnet Equipment Lockout Procedure does not provide any protection against the following hazards:

  • AC powered devices such as power outlets or fluorescent lamps.
  • High voltage cables for RF systems and beamline vacuum pumps.
  • Electrical hazards associated with beamline magnets with permanently installed magnet lead covers. These magnets are: BEND 1140, QUAD 4033, QUAD 4041 and QUAD 4050.
  • 24 volt thermal interlock sensors. Most magnets are instrumented with a power-limited over-temperature sensor. This sensor voltage can present a startle-hazard.

This document contains:

  • Instructions for Authorized Employees on the application of a “Simple Lockout” and appropriate zero-voltage verification.
  • Language appropriate for inclusion in Complex Lock-Out procedures where the hazard controls require securing beamline electrical hazards.
  • Document information, including document approvals.

2Authorized Employee Simple Lockout:
Authorized Employees working near beamline components within the NLCTA Accelerator Enclosure must lock out the electrical hazards from the magnet power supplies.
If no other hazards exist which require a task-specific ELP, employees may use the “Simple Lockout Procedure” as described below. /

2.1Steps for Controlling Hazardous Energy

2.1.1Verify that the NLCTA Lock-Out Box is sealed with a dated and signed tag. (See picture).

2.1.2Apply personal LOTO lock and tag to the NLCTA Lock-Out Box.

2.1.3Ensure that Zero-Voltage Verification (ZVV) has been performed on exposed electrical conductors within one foot of the work location(s) prior to starting work.

The person making the measurements must be qualified to make the measurements. A Class II or III voltmeter set to read DC is required to make lead-to-ground measurements of all magnet terminals within the work area. No PPE is required to perform these measurements.

2.2Steps to return to service

2.2.1Remove personal LOTO lock and tag from the NLCTA Lock-Out Box.

3Complex ELP Lockout Guidance

Work that involves multiple hazards requires the use of a task-specific “Complex” Equipment Lockout Procedure. The suggested language for the control of NLCTA Electromagnet Hazards in a complex ELP document is:

Perform steps described in Section 2 – Authorized Employee Simple Lockoutfrom the NLCTA Electromagnet Hazards Users Guide (02-03-37)

4Document Information


This document is owned and authorized by the PPA/ARD/Test Facilities Department to facilitate the lockout of NLCTA beamline electromagnet electrical hazards posed by unguarded magnet terminals and leads.

4.2Document has been reviewed and approved by:


PPA/ARD/TF Department Head NameSignatureDate


NLCTA Operations Manager NameSignatureDate


PPA/ARD Safety Officer NameSignatureDate

4.3Initial Validation of Procedure

Initial Validation is required prior to the first use of this users guide. Validation of this guide is incorporated in the section entitled “Validation and Periodic Inspection of Procedure” in the “NLCTA Electromagnet Equipment Lockout Procedure”(document 02-03-10).


NLCTA Qualified Operator NameSignatureDate

4.4Certification of Periodic Inspection of Procedure

This users guideis valid for ONE YEAR following the most recent Initial Validation or Periodic Inspection.

NLCTA EOIC Qualified Operators are authorized to review this users guide using the instructions in Section 7 “Periodic Inspection of Procedure”. The dated signature below affirms that noneed for correction was identified.


NLCTA Qualified Operator NameSignatureDate


NLCTA Qualified Operator NameSignatureDate


NLCTA Qualified Operator NameSignatureDate


NLCTA Qualified Operator NameSignatureDate


NLCTA Qualified Operator NameSignatureDate

March 18, 200902-03-37-R01Page 1 of 3