Question 1: (short answer)
In a certain convenience store, 40% of customers buy bread, 60% buy milk, and 35% buy a newspaper. Ten percent of customers buy all three products, 20% buy bread and milk but not a newspaper, and 15% buy milk and a newspaper but no bread. Seven percent of customers buy bread but no milk or newspaper.
What percent of customers buy
bread and a newspaper but not milk ____% Briefly explain how you got this.
a newspaper but no bread or milk ______%
none of these three items _____%
What are the lift____, support ____ and confidence ____ of the following rule:
“people who buy milk will buy bread”
Question 2: (write up a nice report for this part)
A certain restaurant owner has a limited menu consisting of 4 meat dishes, 4 wines, and 4 vegetables. A meal consists of a meat, your choice of two vegetables, a garden salad (no choices there) and a wine. The owner has recorded over several years, for customers drinking wine, their choices of meat, wine, and two vegetables so that she can add wine suggestions to the menu and in general analyze her customer ordering habits. She is interested in showing on the menu a wine suggestion next to some or all of the meats and is also interested in showing a picture of a popular meal of hers in her ad in Gourmet Diner magazine. The data are stored in the data link on our web page as restaurant.sas7bdat, (a new data set this week). You want to make a good impression so you decide to do association analyses for her to address her interests but also to report anything else of interest in terms of customer ordering habits, all in a nice summary report that is complete but to the point. Get together with your team and accomplish that task.