They’re Dirty Jobs, But They Gotta Get Done

ByMary Lorenz, writer

Theirs are often thankless jobs, but without the following professionals, most of us probably wouldn’t be able to enjoy so many of the things we often take for granted, from clean bathrooms, homes and work spaces to the convenience of buying fresh fish and deli meats at the market.

The following occupations involve literally getting one’s hands dirty and withstanding a variety of gruesome conditions on a daily basis to make life a little less painful for the rest of us.

Steam cleaner
While most of us do our best to avoid dirt, grime and grease at all costs, steam cleaners seek them out in everything from vehicle engines to restaurant kitchens, where they can use high pressure steam hoses and detergent solutions to remove the offending substances.

Average salary with benefits and bonuses: $25,859/year

Leaving work in blood-stained clothes would be a serious HR issue in many offices, but the practice is nothing unusual for a butcher, whose grisly work involves cutting and washing the innards of slaughtered animals to create sides of beef, steaks, sausage and ribs in slaughterhouses and meat-packing establishments. This job is not for the faint of heart.

Average salary with benefits and bonuses: $25,961/year


Farriers inspect horse hooves for defects, trim and shape them and remove worn or defective shoes. Aside from the strain of shaping shoes with hammers and bending or squatting for long periods of time, farriers must also deal with unpleasant odors emanating from the horses and risk stepping in any number of “surprises” the horses leave behind.

Average salary with benefits and bonuses: $31,604/year

Slime line worker
Working the “slime line” at a fish processing plant is just as gruesome as it sounds. Slime line workers withstand the horrific smell and feel of blood and entrails in order to clean, de-bone and fillet fish in preparation for packaging, selling, cooking and serving.

Average salary with benefits and bonuses: $9.87/hour

Proctologists diagnose and treat diseases and disorders related to the anus, rectum and colon, a labor of love that involves getting up close and personal in order to inspect these areas frequently and even performing hands-on work to repair or remove the affected body parts.

Average salary with benefits and bonuses: $388,734/year

Livestock breeder
Livestock breeders raise livestock, such as cattle, goats, horses, sheep and swine, for the purposes of making meat, riding, providing working stock, showing or using for products like wool, milk and hair. They can’t be afraid to do a little dirty work, especially when it comes time to clean barns, stalls and pens, attend to animals in labor, treat ailments, brand, tag or butcher.

Average salary with benefits and bonuses: $31,495/year

Building inspector
For building inspectors, who complete assessments and determine insurance rates, squeezing into small, dark, hot crawl spaces and encountering such unpleasant thingsas vermin and pests, dirt, dust, dry rot and mold are all in a day’s work.

Average salary with benefits and bonuses: $55,245/year

Real-life coroners, who direct the investigation of suspicious deaths, suicides, homicides, vehicle crashes and drug overdoses, know the work isn’t nearly as fast-paced or glamorous as it may be portrayed on TV. Performing autopsiesis just one aspect of the job, for which they need to have a high tolerance for handling the smell, look and touch of body parts, bones, organs and fluids at all times.

Average salary with benefits and bonuses: $44,932/year

Coal miner
The demand for coal has increased over the past few years, thanks in part to its potential as an alternate energy source at a time when oil prices are skyrocketing. Assuming they can withstand the grueling conditions of working in dark, tiny tunnels as small as five feet high and often more than 500 feet underground where coal dust cloaks the air, those with the proper training and experience face favorable job prospects in coming years.

Average salary with benefits and bonuses: $38,353


Today’s parents are often too busy (or distracted) to teach their children good manners and simple social skills. Luckily, teachers are available to assist with raising other people’s children. If you can deal with daily disrespect, bad attitudes and visible undergarments, this might be the career for you. Benefits include great insurance and plenty of vacation time.

Average salary with benefits and bonuses: $51,009

1)  Under which category of employment does "steam cleaner" probably fall?

2)  Under which category of employment does "butcher" probably fall?

3)  What are some probable drawbacks to working as a butcher? What are some probable benefits?

4)  Under which category of employment does "farrier" probably fall? In a bad economy, many farriers become cyclically unemployed. Why?

5)  Under which category of employment does "slime line worker" probably fall? If you wanted to seek this kind

of employment, to where would you probably have to relocate?

6)  Under which category of employment does "proctologist" probably fall? Proctology specialists must spend many years in school, but they benefit from the "learning effect". What does that mean?

7)  Under which category of employment does "livestock breeder" probably fall?

8)  Under which category of employment does "building inspector" probably fall? In a bad economy, building inspectors are often laid off in large numbers. Why? What type of unemployment is this?

9)  Under which category of employment does "coroner" fall? This type of job is usually considered immune to the effects of a bad economy. Why?

10)  Under which category of employment does "coal miner" probably fall? Coal miners are increasingly suffering from structural unemployment. Why ?

11)  Under which category of employment does "teacher" probably fall? Fifty-percent of teachers become frictionally unemployed in their first five years. What do you suppose is the reason for this statistic?