This Week


 PCC MEETING: East Dean and Friston




Church, 9.30am


Church, 5.00pm –5.30pm

Wednesday 14th


11am at East Dean Church


CALLING ALL MEN: Evening Prayer

8pm East Dean ChurchFor more

information/to let me know you’re coming,

please e-mail me at

Friday 16th

 COFFEE AND CO in East Dean Church

10am. Look forward to seeing you all

Saturday 17th

 Walk Through the Bible

9.30am Coffee/registration, 4.30-5pm

More details and booking - Anne, 423882.

For your prayers

All who value our prayers at this time, especiallyRose and John Hayes, Emma Donkin(daughter of Marie Cowan). and Christine Byfordalso those receiving and giving care within our community.

If you would like a name or names added to the prayer list, please contact Flora Richards Phone:423882 email:


This takes place on the 3rd Sunday morning of

each month


3rd Monday of every monthNext meeting:

19th September10.00-12.00 at East Dean



is holding the last of its Summer 'Teas in the Tower', on Saturday, 17th September, from 11am until 4pm. The Teas are FREE, but donations to go towards the maintenance of our ancient, Grade 2 Listed Church, would be mostgratefully received.

Sunday 18thSeptember

17thSunday after Trinity

East Dean

9.30am Holy Communion


1 Timothy 2: 1-7

Luke 16: 1-13


425 Praise the Lord ye heavens adore him

Creation Sings the Father’s Song

Rock of Ages

328 Make me a channel of your peace

Flowers: Penny Coomber, Beryl Boucher, Frances Stevens

4.30pmAll Age Service

Readings: TBA

My heart is filled with thankfulness

God’s love is the best love

The steadfast love of the Lord

O precious sight


8.00amHoly Communion (bcp)


Ephesians 4: 1-6

Luke 14: 1-11

Flowers: Team


11.15am Morning Prayer(bcp)

Isaiah 45: 9-22

Revelation 14: 1-5

Hymns A&M:224, 185, 330, 329

Flowers: Amanda Kirkman

Notes and News


Join us for our monthly lunch, if you are alone or in need of some friendly company, on SaturdaySeptember 24th1pm, inEast Dean Church. We look forward to welcoming you. Please ring Beryl (422390).


Church’s Ministry of Healing

How do I make ‘Me’ in this changing world

With Rev’d David Gillard

Rural Dean and Vicar of St Elisabeth’s Church, EastbourneSaturday 15th October

10 am – 12.30 pmSt Elisabeth’s Church,

Victoria Drive,Eastbourne BN20 8QX

Kindly confirm your wish to attend

Tel: 01323 506271


Donations for expenses appreciated

A HUGE ‘THANK YOU’ to allthe lovely people who contributed their thoughts and prayers relating to Mountainsfor the Prayer Celebration at Friston on the 24th Augustand to those who gave their support to the happyevening.


Coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, Friday September 30th from 1030 to 12.30At the home of Kath Fuller, Colonel Stevens Court, 10a Granville Road, Eastbourne.


You’re invited to come and hear more of Kip’s plans to move to Kenya in mid-2017. This will take place after the 4.30pm service at East Dean Church on 18th September. Tea and light snacks afterwards. All welcome.


Sunday 9th October at 12.30 in the village Hall.

If you would like to attend this wonderful event: Please enter your name, contact details, your dish of choice and the number in your party on the list at the back of East Dean Church. It would be appreciated if you could let me know by the 25th September please.Gill Morris 423469


Join us for this evening of bowling fun. Thursday 13th October at David Lloyds8pm for 8,30pm Contact: Tim Jelly 728192


We had another both fun and highly productive PCC meeting. Particular encouragements: (1) subject to a faculty if necessary and brief further testing, the PCC decided to install an eco-toilet outside the rear of the church building (2) also approved purchase of a disabled ramp for the front step (3) took forward plans to re-start the Sunday School soon (4) agreed collectively to do together the new "Life Explored" course as a trial run for inviting others (5) initiated plans for the harvest lunch(6) was delighted to hear projected voluntary giving is likely to be up about 16.8% this year and that the annual deficit should reduce from c£4,000 last year to c£1,250 this (7) voted in principle to support Kip and Rachel financially for five years when they return to Kenya (David and Kip left the room for this discussion due to potential conflicts of interest). More challengingly, we were reminded in the light of our Bible reading including Hebrews 10v24-25 that our "one thing" for Jevington this year is to "encourage those who come to Jevington only once, twice or even three times a month to try and come (illness, holidays, work schedules permitting!) where possible every week, since this would greatly strengthen the church and its future," and that there is still some way, given current attendance patterns, to go on this yet. But all in all a great meeting! David

Catch up with East Dean services on line!

On Sunday 4th September, Roger Morgan gave the first in a series of talks by visiting speakers on "Disciples making disciples". If you missed this (or you would like to hear it again) then it is now available on the church website . Kip's sermons from August 21st and 28th are also now available. To access these recordings just go to the website then select "News and Contacts" and "Sermons" from the drop down menu. Click on the title to hear these or any of the other selected sermons from the past few months.

Items for Sunday 18th September to Hazel Jelly, 45 Millfield Court, 24 Upperton Road, Eastbourne BN211EX Phone:728192 or by 6pm Tuesday 13th September