Simsbury High School Parent Teacher Council

March 5, 2014 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:20 pm by SPTC President, Michelle Weathers. In attendance were Michelle Weathers, Nora Stuart, Lynn Roth, Cheryl Cook, Pamela Kim, Nancy Dennen, Nina Miller, Kathleen Gaborit, Neil Sullivan, Laura Riley

Motion to correct and then approve the Feb minutes to show a correction that $500 was voted on and approved to be spent on Unified Sports, motion carried.

Committee Reports –

·  Battle of the Bands – Laura Riley reported - night was great, made good money (net $1,000, sold 30 more tickets – 660 this year) – custodial staff was great, volunteers were awesome,

-  Hiccup with requirement of SHS students/ per band not upheld and cause of ill will. Neil will address with Rich and Michael – may need to tweak judges and judging criteria for next year.

-  Both co-chairs need to be replaced due to graduation.

·  Hospitality – cookies needed for rewards for common core testing, going to send electronic request out for volunteers

-  Will also need cookies for teachers for April

·  Special Projects – no new requests, balance still $2,254.76

·  Junior Celebrations – still deciding if this is going to happen (post prom)

·  Senior Celebrations – post prom, breakfast, working with Dane S. and Dacia Q. and figuring out post graduation entertainment

Principal’s Report –

·  School board budget increase of 1.05% was presented to BOE, going to town next for approval

·  Town and school insurance being offered and generating economies of scale to reduce costs

·  Girls hockey playing for state championship

·  Boys and girls hoops still in the hunt

·  7/14 wrestlers still doing well in states

·  Getting ready to test 400 kids on computers, smarter balance testing ready to go

New Business –

·  Last meetings April, May and June – elections June (need nominees)

Adjourned 8:10pm