Extended abstract shall be 2-3 pages in length with the following details:

·  Indicate the type of Presentation (Oral or Poster Presentation)

·  Font type: Cambria

·  Font size: 10, except for title (size 12), author name, affiliation and address (size 10), keywords (size 10)

·  Single-spaced, A4 paper size, margins are as follows: top 2.5cm, left 3cm, bottom 2cm, right 1.5cm; or top 0.98”, left 1.18”, bottom 0.79”, right 0.59”

·  The extended abstract shall be written in either English.

·  Please refer to the next page (Page 2)as a template and you may delete this page (Page 1) afterward.

Oral Presentation/Poster Presentation [select one that applies]

Title Should Consist of 16 words or Less,Start Each Word with Capital Letter, Use Font Type Cambria, Font Size 12, Bold, Center

Author Name1(written as full name, no acronym, no salutation/degree, indicate author’s affiliation with number in superscript , Font typeCambria size 10, Center, indicate Corresponding Author with asterisk (*)

1Institution, Address of Institution; indicate with numbers in superscript relevant with each author. Font type Cambria, size 10, Center

*Corresponding author’s email:

Keywords: maximum of 5 keywords, written in alphabetical order, separated with comma (,), ended with fullpoint or period (.). Font: Cambria, size 10.

The 20th FAVA CONGRESS & The 15th IVMA Veterinary Scientific Conference (KIVNAS) - Bali Nov 1-3, 2018|1


Elaborate the background or literature review pertaining to the research or case report, as well as the aim of the study.

MATERIALS AND METHODS/CASE REPORT [select one that applies]

·  For research, briefly explain the methods and study design

·  For case report, elaborate the signalmen, anamneses, clinical signs, physical examination, diagnostic test result, differential diagnoses, diagnoses, prognoses, therapy, and post-therapy measures. This can be presented in the form of table, figure or description in words.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION/DISCUSSION [select one that applies]

·  For research, elaborate study result in the form of table, figure or description in words. Provide discussion as it pertains to the findings.

·  For case report, discussion shall be written in relevance to the case details elaborated above, and the therapy given.


Conclusive statement(s) shall be briefly elaborated in this section.


In this section, author may state the name of individual or institution that provided contribution to the research or the case reported.The contribution can be in the form of grant, materials/reagents, or those who supported the work performed. The names listed in this section shall not include any of the authors or the authors’ institution.


Include maximum of 4 references, written in chronological order based on the order of citation in the extended abstract.

Examples of format for citation of journal, book or book chapter:

[1]  Setijanto H, Nisa’ C, Novelina S. 2016. Amputasi prolapsus kantung pipi pada hamster. Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana 3(2): 34-39.

[2]  Setijanto H, Nisa’ C, Novelina S. 2016. Anatomi Veteriner. Ed ke-2. IPB Press. Bogor. Hlm 58-60.

[3]  Setijanto H, Nisa’ C, Novelina S. 2016. Fertilisasi in Vitro. Dalam: Boediono A, Fahrudin M (ed). IPB Press. Bogor. Hlm 2-12.

The 20th FAVA CONGRESS & The 15th IVMA Veterinary Scientific Conference (KIVNAS) - Bali Nov 1-3, 2018|1