LEP Construction & Development Sector Group
Wednesday 16th July 2014, 2:30pm
Clarke Willmott, 1 Georges Square, BS1 6BA
Attendees: John Baker, Richard Bonner, Melissa Houston, Neil Baker, Alan Davis, Alan Pearce, Bill Kierman, Matthew Halstead, Mike Day, Peter Mansell, Stephen Mundy, Tim Westwood, Tina Taylor, Chris Jennings
Welcome and introductions
- John welcomed the group and thanked Clarke Willmott for hosting the meeting.
- Introductions were made for the benefit of any new members.
News and updates
- After 18months Paul Wilson has left the LEP and is now working for Bristol City Council. Barbara Davies is in place until a new Chief Executive has been appointed.
- With elections coming up, it’s interesting to hear the future thoughts/plan of LEPs – Consensus is that LEPs are here to stay.
- Growth Deal settlement has been announced, £86.4 million being given to the West of England to boost economic growth, create jobs and deliver a total of £400 million of investment. The first allocation of money has been awarded to fund key projects that include broadband, robotics institute, growth hub and new or modernised colleges.
Housing provision in the WE
- The level of housing is a continuous concern. This topic has been discussed and raised in a number of meetings between certain members of the C+D group and the LEP Board. John has spoken with Colin Skellett and he's happy for the group to continue and beinvolved and feed into these issues.
- The 4 unitary authorities have come together and created SHMA (Strategic Housing Marketing Assessment). There is also a Housing Market Reference Group which John attended to represent the Sector Group.
- The reference group will be a mechanism to help UA’s and businesses work together and address the housing issues and how economic forecasts are taken on board.
- Chris J asked if the group also discussed the improvement of current housing = retrofit - not just new builds? No not previously but happy to consider this aspect as well.
- Open challenge – should the group join up with Low Carbon?
Skills and capacity
- The WE LEP Collaboratorium, held on the 11th May was well attended. During this event the Construction & Development Sector Group held a workshop on skills and capacity.
- Richard Bonner circulated the C+D page of the Sector Prospectus (a document that was submitted to Government in support of the SEP bid) to the group.
- This page is an overview of the Sector Group, looking at the achievements, opportunities, issues and proposals. One key issue being = Skills availability.
- Some of the issues discussed in the workshop included how to attract more women into the industry, how to model trends and getting senior people into school to help influence and inspiration children.
- Adam Powell (Director of Skills for the WE LEP) introduced himself to the group. It is their aim to help deliver the SEP vision, working across all 12 sectors – specifically the 5 priority sectors (High Tech, Low Carbon, Advanced Engineering and Aerospace, Creative and Professional Services).
- Adam read out a summary of what the skills team have found – lack of awareness, career opportunities, employability skills, a drain of talent, skills shortage drives cost up… (Further details/presentation is attached to circulated email).
- Adam is aware that it is hard to quantify the skills gap for construction. There is a commitment from the skills team to work with the C+D group. This led to an open discussion = Numbers, need and demand.
Consulting Excellence SW
John invited Andrew Carpenter, Chief Executive of Consulting Excellence SW to present to the group. (PowerPoint presentation is attached to the circulated email).
Membership and future activities
- John asked the group for thoughts on how often the group should meet and the format it should take.
- Agreed that the next meeting will be held in October.
- The group welcomed John’s suggestion that the meetings shouldn’t just be a discussion forum. Next meeting they should look at producing a manifesto of some sort – what they want to address, fund, input into, engage with etc…
Next meeting: October, date TBC