Title: Counseling Support Groups

CCS counselors will soon be offering new support groups relatedto a variety of topics. Each group will meet 1.5 hours on a weeklybasis for approximately 3 months, with the exact schedule to bedetermined following discussion with interested potential groupmembers. The fee will be 150rmb per session. All groups will becomposed of 4-12 group members and are confidential and offera supportive, non-judgmental structure. If you are interested inlearning more or in joining one of these, please email .

Basic Mental HealthSupport Group

Group Facilitator:Evonne Wee

Location: Community Center Shanghai Hongqiao Center

Address: Room F07, No. 201 Cheng JiaQiaoZhi Rd. Zhidi Edifice, Hongqiao

This group is for individuals who want to work on their mental andemotional wellbeing in a group setting. Group members will discusstopics such as negative thoughts, thought and behavior patterns theyfeel stuck in, and support each other to develop new coping skills andresponses. The meeting format will include practical teaching onspecific topics and skills with time dedicated to allowing group members

to respond to and discuss the topics.

Divorce Support Group or Grief Support Group

Group Facilitator:Evonne Wee

Location: Community Center Shanghai Hongqiao Center

Address: Room F07, No. 201 Cheng JiaQiaoZhi Rd. Zhidi Edifice, Hongqiao

A place to share experiences, get support and give support. Know thatyou are not alone. Members are in different stages of the divorce/griefprocess. Each member's experience of divorce/grief is unique andpersonal. We are here to remind each other that things can get betterand grow together in hope, resilience, and renewal.

Dialectical BehaviorTherapy Group

Group Facilitator:Haibo Ma

Location: Community Center Shanghai Pudong Center

Address: 3F. Tower A, 1146 Biyun Rd., Jinqiao, Pudong

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a highly-structured counselingapproach which helps enhance emotion regulation. DBT utilizeswell-adapted behavioral techniques, dialectical skills, and core mindfulnessin order to help clients live in the moment, be able to flourish,and experience true happiness. Each group session will start with acore mindfulness activity and then will move on to homework check-inand new skills teaching.

Men's Mental &Physical Well-beingGroup

Group Facilitator:Bryce Dann

Location: Community Center Shanghai Pudong Center

Address: 3F. Tower A, 1146 Biyun Rd., Jinqiao, Pudong

This group is for men of any age who are interested in improving theirmental and physical health and exploring particular issues and challengesunique to men. Practical skills for leading a more fulfilling lifewill also be explored. The group will take place in a supportive andcollaborative environment. Some topics that may be explored includegeneral mental health, personal development, relationships, sexualhealth, emotional well-being, achieving success.