Mr Richard Taylor
HMCS Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk Area
Area Director’s Office
c/o The Magistrates’ Court
Elm Street
DX 3232 Ipswich
T 01473 298994
F 01473 231249
14 January 2011 / Our Ref: 68512
Dear Mr Taylor
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) – Request for internal review of business as usual response
Thank you for your request for an Internal Review dated 22 December 2010.
I can confirm that your initial request for information, dated 14 December 2010, in which you said:
“Cambridgeshire Police told a meeting of Cambridge’s Community Safety Partnership this morning that they have caught and bailed five ‘medium scale handlers’ who have each been selling 20-30 stolen bikes per week online.
Could you please let me know when and where these individuals will appear in court.”
was not dealt with under theFOIA. The matter therefore cannot be the subject of an internal review. Your initial query was not handled under the FOIA because questions of this nature are usually answered by the courts as part of their usual day-to-day business.
I can confirm that, in accordance with the initial response to your enquiry, and based on the information provided by you, the requested information cannot be traced by HMCS.
The court is unable to trace the information without the name of the defendant and the likely venue of the hearing. If a particular court is given the name of an individual,together with details of the nature of the offence, and is asked when the hearing will take place, they will usually be able to provide the requested information. However, without those details the courtis unable to trace the information.
I would add that although these individuals may have been caught and bailed by the police, that does not mean that a court hearing has been arranged, as these individuals may be on police bail whilst the police continue their investigations.
I can confirm that for the purposes of FOIA the police area Public Authority in their own right.You may wish to contact Cambridgeshire Police as they may be able to provide the information you requested concerning the dates that hearings are scheduled to take place. You can contact Cambridgeshire Police at:
PE29 6NP
Yours sincerely
Dona van Tankeren
Dona van Tankeren
Knowledge and Information Officer