Somatic Experiencing Research Coalition
Library References
Last Edit – May 31st 2014
This document includes a list of current references on multiple topics related to Somatic Experiencing Compiled by the Library reference committee under the direction of Mardi Crane, PhD.
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Arvidson, J., Kinniburgh, K., Howard, K., Spinazzola, J., Strothers, H., Evans, M., . . . Blaustein, M. (2011). Treatment of complex trauma in young children: Developmental and cultural consideration in application of the ARC intervention model.Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma,4, 34-51.
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Auxemery, Y. (2012). [Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a consequence of the interaction between an individual genetic susceptibility, a traumatogenic event and a social context].Encephale,38(5), 373-80. doi:10.1016/j.encep.2011.12.003 S0013-7006(11)00228-4 [pii]
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Bay, E., Sikorskii, A., & Saint-Arnault, D. (2009). Sex differences in depressive symptoms and their correlates after mild-to-moderate traumatic brain injury.J Neurosci Nurs,41(6), 298-309; quiz 310-1.
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Beauchaine, T. P., Gatzke-Kopp, L., & Mead, H. K. (2007). Polyvagal theory and developmental psychopathology: Emotion dysregulation and conduct problems from preschool to adolescence.Biological Psychology,74(2), 174-184.
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Blaustein, M., & Kinniburgh, K. (2007). Intervention beyond the child: The intertwining nature of attachment and trauma.British Psychological Society,Briefing Paper 26, 48-53.
Blendonohy, P. M., & Philip, P. A. (1991). Precocious puberty in children after traumatic brain injury.Brain Inj,5(1), 63-8.
Bloch, Y. H., Leiba, A., Veaacnin, N., Paizer, Y., Schwartz, D., Kraskas, A., . . . Bar-Dayan, Y. (2007). Managing mild casualties in mass-casualty incidents: Lessons learned from an aborted terrorist attack.Prehosp Disaster Med,22(3), 181-5.
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Bradshaw, R. A., Cook, A., & McDonald, M. J. (2011). Observed & experiential integration (OEI): Discovery and development of a new set of trauma therapy techniques.Journal of Psychotherapy Integration,21(2), 104-171.
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Brazelton, B. T. (1992).Touchpoints: The essential reference, your child's emotional and behavioral development. United States: Addison-Wesley.
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Briere, J., & Spinazzola, J. (2005). Phenomenology and psychological assessment of complex posttraumatic states.Journal of Traumatic Stress,18(5), 401-412.
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