Miami County Recovery Council
Accessibility Plan
The Board of Directors of the Miami County Recovery Council are committed to the premise that all services provided and employment practices are in accordance with non-discrimination provisions of all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
Each facility shall meet the applicable Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility guidelines. Additional policies and procedures have been written to specifically address:
· Communication with limited-English-proficient persons.
· Communication with sensory-impaired consumers.
· The provision of methods of communication for the hearing impaired at no cost to the client.
· Assurance of non-discrimination for recipients of service, or in reference to the recruitment, selection, promotion, evaluation or retention of employees.
· Cultural Sensitivity and Ethnic Programming.
· A commitment to affirmative action to have a staff and Board of Directors reflecting, as nearly as possible, the diversity of the population of Miami County.
It is the Agency Director’s responsibility to ensure an accessible setting, including monitoring and addressing identified concerns in the following areas:
1. Removal of Architectural Barriers
A. As of the adoption of this plan, MCRC’s service site is architecturally accessible.
B. To the extent that it does not create undue hardship, MCRC will modify workstations to reasonably accommodate persons with disabilities.
2. Removal of Environmental Barriers
A. MCRC is committed to conducting business in an environment accessible to clients, employees, stakeholders and the community. At the adoption of this Plan, MCRC’s services sites are free of environmental barriers to services.
B. When applicable, MCRC materials will include a statement that our facilities are programmatically and physically accessible.
3. Removal of Attitudinal Barriers
A. MCRC will serve as an advocate for the elimination of stigma. In all dealings with its various publics, MCRC will encourage the use of “person first” language and represent persons served and services provided in ways that remove attitudinal barriers.
4. Removal of Financial Barriers
A. MCRC continually strives to provide effective and innovative services to consumers. An effort is made to develop programming to meet the need of those identified as underserved and high risk.
5. Removal of Employment Barriers
A. MCRC is aware of and makes a concerted effort towards the removal of barriers to employment, whether personal or systemic, to person receiving services.
B. Employment vacancies within MCRC shall be handled in accordance with the American Disabilities Act.
C. To the extent that it does not create undue hardship and in accordance with State and Federal laws, MCRC will modify jobs and working conditions to reasonably accommodate persons with disabilities.
6. Removal of Transportation Barriers
A. MCRC will familiarize recipients of service with the local transit system.
B. When transportation barriers preclude persons from receiving services at MCRC, staff will initiate individualized plans to resolve issues to the greatest extent possible.
C. MCRC staff will assist persons with disabilities to utilize all available means of transportation to secure needed services and carry out other service-related activities.
D. MCRC will maintain reserved and marked disabled parking spaces at our service locations.
7. Removal of Communication Barriers
A. MCRC will make appropriate accommodations available, as needed and requested, to persons served by the organization.
B. Persons served are welcome to have a friend, family member, and/or advocate support them throughout their services. Staff will obtain necessary releases of information that reflect the wishes of the person served.
C. To the extent possible, materials provided to persons served are available in their native language.
D. MCRC strives to provide materials and services in a format accessible to individuals served, potential clients, stakeholders and the community.
E. MCRC’s website is designed to communicate agency information to consumers, stakeholders and community members. We strive to keep up to date on changing technology and incorporate new accessibility features as resources allow.
8. Removal of Barriers to MCRC’s services
The Agency Director will, through client satisfaction surveys, referral source surveys, and accessibility surveys, evaluate the ease of access to services. In addition, the Director will ensure that the staff composition reflects the Cultural diversity of our community.
Status of Progress in the Removal of Barriers
MCRC will complete an annual written report that will address the progress made in the removal of identified barriers. The report will include a description of the identified barrier(s), steps taken to eliminate the barrier(s) and any unresolved or outstanding actions remaining. Additional time frames and resources required will be included in the report.
Procedures for Requesting Reasonable Accommodations
MCRC strives to comply with the Americans with Disability Act, as well as applicable Federal and State Legislation regarding the provision of reasonable accommodations. Persons served may request reasonable accommodations necessary to apply for, engage in, and benefit from services. Requests can be made orally or in writing and provided with sufficient notice to allow MCRC to assess and implement the reasonable accommodation. MCRC will provide reasonable accommodations to the extent possible that do not result in undue hardship to the Agency nor result in fundamental alteration of services.
MCRC employees should make requests for reasonable accommodations to their supervisor. The Clinical Director is responsible for deciding on the appropriateness of the accommodation request. A letter from a doctor may be requested as permitted by law. Reasonable accommodations that do not result in undue hardship to the Agency nor are a fundamental alteration of job duties will be granted to the extent possible.
9. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
It is a policy of the Board of Directors that the organization will comply in all aspects of its personnel and management practices with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
C:\Documents and Settings\byron\My Documents\AccessibilityPlanPolicy.doc