Parshat Ki Tisa 5776

In Ki Tisa we have the famous posuk on Shabbosוְשָֽׁמְר֥וּ בְנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל אֶת־הַשַּׁבָּ֑ת

(Shemos 31, 16 . )אֶת־הַשַּׁבָּ֛ת לְדֹֽרֹתָ֖ם בְּרִ֥ית עוֹלָֽם לַֽעֲשׂ֧וֹת

And the children of Israel shall guard the Shabbos, to make the Shabbos, throughout their generations as an everlasting covenant. Many meforshim ask what the word 'la-asos' means. We do not establish the time of Shabbos (unlike the sighting of the new moon for Festival dates). Shabbos has been established since the time of creation. So, in what way do we 'make ' the Shabbos?
The Chayai Moshe mentions the Gemara in Shabbos where it discusses when a person lost in the desert should observe Shabbos. One opinion holds that they should count 6 days and then rest on the 7th. The other is that they should rest on that day and then count 6 more days. So it is imperative for anyone so stranded, to make or designate Shabbos in this way. But this above scenario is uncommon, particularly in today's society.
The Chayai Moshe also states that keeping Shabbos in this world makes one worthy of the future Shabbos , the 'Yom shekulo Shabbos ' and the experience of that 'Shabbos ' is determined by our observance of Shabbos in this world. Similarly, the Ohr HaChaim HaKodesh states that 'veshomru' refers to our keeping Shabbos in this world whereas 'Laasos ' refers to Olam Haba. We are 'laasos' , meaning that we are creating our future portion in the next world based on our level of observance of Shabbos (veshomru) in this world .
The Shaarei Chaim says that by keeping Shabbos we are ensuring that Shabbos will be kept for future generations and adds that one way of creating Shabbos is to ensure we keep Shabbos to the best of our abilities . And the only way of doing this is by making a concerted effort to learn hilchos Shabbos. It is impossible to avoid the prohibitions of Shabbos without learning the laws properly. Thus we create Shabbos by being scrupulous in our Shabbos observance which in turn depends on careful and committed study.
The Shaarei Chaim also notes that since we have the mitzvah of 'tosfos Shabbos ', to add extra time to Shabbos , by doing so, we have the ability to create Shabbos , to create kedusha from chol . On erev Shabbos we should have this longing and desire to connect with Hashem which should impel us to create Shabbos as early as is permitted.
The Gemara states that if klal Yisrael would keep just two Shabbos's , they would immediately be redeemed . When Shabbos is kept properly, it affects the entire week which means that we serve Hashem better that week and this means that the following Shabbos will be observed on an even higher level, and so on. Thus follows an upward spiral. Therefore, 'veshomru' , when you keep one Shabbos well , you are able to serve Hashem better the following week and this effort is 'laasos' , creating , making the observance of the second Shabbos on a higher level.. And it is the combination of veshomru , all the effort of the first Shabbos , with laasos, the effect of the second Shabbos, which creates the geulah .
The first Shabbos is the Shabbos of chochmah , of accepting the knowledge ,( i.e Hashem is controlling everything , my relationship with Hashem etc ) where we have gained the kedusha from Hashem . Then comes Binah , applying the principles learnt on Shabbos to the week ; how does this chochmah impact our week and affect our relationship with Hashem , with others, in business etc ? Only then can we move into the realm of Daas , where all is integrated and we become a partner with Hashem in creating ( laasos ) it's holiness. Our challenge is to take the experience of Shabbos and to make it part of who we are. When we succeed we have 'created' the second or following Shabbos.
We have to create the Shabbos atmosphere and experience with anticipation and enjoyment and not see our observance of it as mesiras nefesh . Through the tefiillos zemiros , the limud Torah of Shabbos we reach a level of laasos where we take the initiative and are proactive . We should be living in a positive awareness of Shabbos and be excited about the day. On Shabbos, as much as possible we need to focus on and celebrate our relationship with Hashem. Laasos is about integrating the reality of Shabbos and deeply understanding why we are here and where Shabbos can take us, seeing Shabbos not as a burden but as an opportunity. Laasos is about investing in Shabbos by all we do: what we cook and eat, what we say, everything. Much of the beauty and love of Yiddishkeit comes from how we celebrate Shabbos .We should embrace this and reject that which belongs to the outside culture. Only then will we feel the love and connection with Hashem. And the ripple effect spreading from Shabbos to Shabbos will bring about both a personal and national Geulah bi'mheira be'yameinu. Sources : Nesivos Shalom, Rav Shimshon Pincus, Rebtz Shira Smiles .