Trustees’ Annual Report for the period

1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016

Reference and Administration Details

Charity Name:Great Lumley Community Association

(which operates Great Lumley Community Centre)

Charity Number:1159206

Principal Address:Front Street

Great Lumley

Chester le Street

County Durham



David Brown, Chairperson(Office held since June 2017, Committee member since June 2016)

Debbie Stubbs, Secretary (Office held since June 2017, Committee member since December 2016)

Jill Walker Mackey, Treasurer

Emma Lindsay (Office of Vice Chairperson held until resignation inApril2016)

Liz Church (Office of Secretary held until resignation in August 2016)

Jackie Pirrie (Committee member and Office of Secretary held from November 2016 until resignation in May 2017)

Ray Pirrie(Office of Chairperson held until resignation May 2017)

Peter Diehl, Vice Chairperson (Office held from April 2016 to resignation in June 2017)

Structure, Governance and Management

Type of Governing Document

Great Lumley Community Association is constituted as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered with the Charity Commission in November 2014 under charity number 1159206. Prior to then, it was constituted as an association under charity number 520805. It is governed by a constitution last amended in August 2014.

Trustee Selection Methods

One third of the trustees must retire at each Annual General Meeting. Trustees are then elected to vacancies on the Management Committee from the membership. Any vacancies remaining may be filled by the decision of the trustees or members (up to a maximum number of 15).

Organisational Structure

The charity trustees are responsible for the control and management of the Community Centre. The trustees give their time freely and receive no remuneration. The Management Committee meet monthly, where decisions are made as to the running of the Community Centre and activities.

The trustees are responsible for a team of 14 part time members of staff, who work in the café, gym and reception areas. The Community Centre is open 72 hours per week, and the day to day management of the Community Centre is delegated to staff.

Volunteers provide invaluable assistance and support to staff. During 2016 we had five regular volunteers who contributed. Two provided assistance in the café, and three volunteered in the gym. The number of hours they volunteered varied between three and six hours per week.

Anyone using the gym or attending regular groups at the Community Centre is required to complete annual membership forms and pay a small fee, due in the January of each year. At the end of 2016, the Community Centre had 400 members. Of which 89 were under 18 years old.

The trustees work closely with Durham County Council and our local Parish Councillors, to ensure activities held and decisions made are in line with the Charity Commission’s guidance on public benefit.

The trustees also have access to advisers who provide specialised resources as and when needed, specifically in relation to finance, health and safety, human resources and bar management.

Risk Management

The trustees have identified the risks which the charity faces. A risk matrix was drawn up in April2015 showing the potential risks, impact of risk, level of risk, and potential actions. This matrix is reviewed at Management Committee meetings.

Objectives and Activities

The objects of the charity are set out in the constitution and are summarised as follows:

a)To promote the benefit of the inhabitants of the parish of Great Lumley and the neighbourhood defined by the Great Lumley parish boundary without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious or other opinions; by associating together the said inhabitants and the local authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effect to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants;

b)To establish, or secure the establishment of, a community centre and to maintain and manage the same (whether alone or in co-operation with any local authority or other person or body) in furtherance of these objects;

c)To promote such other charitable purposes as may from time to time be determined.

Regular Activities

During 2016 the following activities were regularly held within the Centre. These all contributed to our objectives and met our obligations under the Charity Commission’s guidance on public benefit:

  • Friday Youth Fitness – for 11-19 year olds.
  • Friday Club – for the elderly or isolated members of the community. This activity provides a social setting with a home-cooked lunch provided, and transport to the Community Centre is funded by the Parish Council. There is an average of 21 members attending the club each week; the average age of attendees is 80-90 years of age.
  • Toddler Group – for pre-school aged babies and children and their carers. An opportunity for parents/carers and their babies/toddlers to socialise in a safe and educational environment. Three sessions a week are held throughout school term time, with an average of 21 children attending per session.
  • Healthy Horizons – a gentle keep fit class for the over 50’s. Two sessions are held each week.
  • Community Gym – offers exercise facilities to the community at reasonable rates. Personal training is available as an optional extra. In 2016 we had in excess of 305 gym members.
  • Community Café – offers low priced breakfasts, lunches, snacks and drinks seven days a week so as to include all members of the community.
  • Art Group;Bowling Club; Craft Group;Quit Smoking all met weekly during the day.
  • Dog Club; Parish Council; Residents Association; Women’s Institute met monthly.
  • Weekly activities for children includedBoxing; Football; Gymnastics (5 sessions a week); Judo; Karate; Street Dance.
  • Weekly activities for over 16’s includedIaido;Indoor Cycling; Judo; Laban Baston; Line Dancing; Mokyfit; Pilates;Zumba.

Occasional Activities

During 2016 the Community Centre had the Main Hall and the Lumley Room available for hire. In addition to the regular activities, we also hired these rooms for:

  • Meetings;
  • Children’s parties;
  • Private functions (e.g. Christenings, wedding receptions, birthday parties);
  • Chester le Street Area Action Partnership (AAP) events (e.g. dog chipping, bike post coding);
  • As a Polling Station for local and national elections/referendums.

Achievements and Performance

  • The Community Centre is a very well attended venue. With an average footfall of 1,500 people per week.
  • We are still going through the asset transfer process with Durham County Council. This means that the trustees are not responsible for the lease on the building at present. Therefore, we have been ineligible to apply for funding from other sources. We hope asset transfer will be completed during 2017. On completion of asset transfer, the trustees’ will be responsible for all building maintenance/compliance. We are looking at plans and fundraising to modernise the facilities.
  • The Community Centre provided facilities and staffing/volunteers to support the annual Great Lumley Festival held in July 2016. Over 2,000 people attended the festival over the three days.
  • Chester le Street AAP funded activities during the school holidays including showing of “U” or “PG” rated films; art and craft sessions; multi-skills, gymnastics, judo, street dance, football skills and mokykids.
  • We held a number of Christmas events including Breakfast with Santa (2 sessions)and a Pantomime. We also supported the Parish Council’s Christmas Light Switch-On ceremony, and one of the stops for the “Puffing Billy” Santa train.

Financial Review

Reserves Policy

The trustees have reviewed the Reserves of the Charity. Our policy is to hold enough funds to cover three months running costs of the Community Centre. At the end of 2016 the amount held for reserves was £20,762. The amount of reserves is reviewed at each meeting of the Management Committee.

Principal Funding Sources

Principal sources of funds come from Centre and Gym memberships; room hire charges; and the Community Café sales.

During 2016 the community centre has two long term lets in the building. Those were:

  • If U Care Share Foundation – a charitable organisation supporting families of suicide victims.
  • Bobo’s Interiors – a local start-up retail business.

The If U Care Share Foundation is still based in the community centre; however, they are currently looking for alternative larger premises. BoBo’s Interiors moved out of the community centre at the end of December 2016.


The charity trustees are responsible for preparing an annual report and financial statements in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards.

The trustees for the purposes of charity law who served during the year and up to the date of this report are set out on page 1.

The trustees declare that they have approved the trustees’ report above.

Signed on behalf of the charity’s trustees:


Full NameDavid BrownJill Walker Mackey


Date15 June 201715June 2017

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