First Grade Cyber Days Assignment Bank

DIRECTIONS: For each day our school is closed, choose ONE activity from EACH subject area to complete. Remember, you have one week to complete the assignments and turn in to Mrs. Steele. These are for a grade.

*There is a sign-off sheet in the front of your child’s communication folder.


*Write your words (from word list) in ABC order. (Turn in list.)

*Write words in snow. (Parent message me a picture on Remind or write note to verify.)

*Write words with Play-dough (picture or note to verify)

*Dribble and shoot your words. (note to verify)

*Write sentences using each word. (Turn in.)

*Type your words on the computer. (Print and turn in.)


*Make a list of 7 action verbs. (Turn in list.)

*Act out 10 action verbs. (picture/video/or note to verify)

(I would LOVEto receive a video of this )

*Write 3 complete sentences about your day. (Turn in.)

*Cut 5 nouns out of a magazine and glue onto paper. (Turn in.)

(Nouns are a person, place, or thing.)

*Make a chart of nouns: Draw lines to make 3 columns. Label them: Person, Place, Thing. Write 2 examples in each category. (Turn in.)


*Practice saying your addition doubles (0’s-10’s) with a family member. (note/video to verify)

*Make a game using subtraction facts or addition facts and play with a family member. (note to verify)

*Have a family member give you (written or orally) 5 addition and 5 subtraction problems to answer (note/written work to verify)

*Go to Work on math activities for at least 10 minutes. (note to verify)

*Write your addition doubles facts in the snow. (note/picture to verify)


*Make snowcream, hot chocolate, or other cold weather treat with an adult. Help with the measuring. (note to verify)

*Have mom, dad, or a grandparent tell you a story about their childhood. Draw a picture in response.

*Look at family pictures with your family and share oral histories of your family. (note to verify)

*Using a thermometer, measure how cold the snow/outdoor temperature is. Write a sentence about your results. (Turn in.)

*Write 3 sentences or draw a picture of what it looks like outside. (This can be an outdoor activity or can be done looking out the window. Turn in.) Label your paper with the name of the season.

*Draw a picture of an animal in its habitat and write a sentence about it.


*Go to and work on reading activities for at least 10 minutes. (note to verify)

*Buddy read a good book. (note to verify)

*Practice your letter cluster sounds sheet in your Poetry Folder 3 times through.(note to verify)

*Practice reading at least 5 poems in your Poetry Folder. (note to verify)

*Play “I Spy” : Point out sight words (to an adult) you recognize in a newspaper, magazine, menu, etc. (note to verify how many words you found)


*Pray a decade of the Rosary with your family.

*Sing the books of the bible song to someone

**I will check for messages on Remind periodically, if we are out. Feel free to message me with questions.