DATES: December 15 - December 17 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)


A.Come to the first day of the convention in appropriate colonial dress.

B.Attire presents 100 point daily grade.

C.3 minutes will be set aside to dress in the appropriate restroom closest to convention room.

D.If you are absent the first day, then you must dress one of the remaining days of the convention in order to get your 100 point credit. Otherwise, your dress grade will be a zero just like any other work that you do not make up.

E.Remember, your dress can be accomplished with what is at home; there is no need to buy anything! (pantsrolled up to knee, long socks, long-sleeve dress shirt, dress shoes or “dressed up” shoes, vest or jacket)


A.The convention speech/participation counts as one major grade AND one daily grade.

B.Grade is based on participation and quality of speeches. Students must assume viewpoints of delegate role

sheet and present it in short speeches with reasons for that point of view in order to get a grade.

C.In order to obtain a grade of at least 60, one must participate orally in the discussion of the convention. Voicing the vote for your state does not count as participation, unless preceded by aspeech.

D.The number of times you participate and the better you play the role of your delegate determinesyour final grade.

E.Make up work will be required for each day of absence.

F.YOUR EFFORT DETERMINES YOUR GRADE. Your delegate will be as important or as

unimportant as you choose to make him.


A.Immediately find your state delegation sign and be seated. The convention will begin promptly; when George Washington pounds his gavel, the secretary will begin calling the roll of the states.

B.Order of business (debates/issues) will be announced by President Washington. Remember, only one person talks at a time. Raise your hand to get Washington’s attention, so you can “get the floor.”

C.Show approval by quietly pounding on desk, no more than four times.

D.Use your Delegate Guidebook and Role Sheet in order to follow business on the floor of the convention.

E.Introduce yourself each time called upon. “I’m William Paterson of New Jersey,” etc.

F.The order of the agenda will be announced each day but will be in this approximate order.

1.December 15 — I and II on agenda in your DelegateGuidebook

2.December 16 — II and III on agenda

3.December 17 — III and IV on agenda


A.Procedure will use Yea/Nay board.

B.One vote per state is allowed.

C.Majority opinion rules, both in each individual state and in the convention as a whole.

D.If a state’s opinion results in a tie, the state must abstain from voting.

Please sign below. Return this slip with a parent/guardian signature.

Student Signature:

Parent Signature: