The purpose of this 3-4 page paper is to get you think critically about the concepts and ideas you encounter in this class. More specifically, this paper encourages you to apply the concepts and principles you are learning about Faith and Social Justice to the analysis and interpretation of real world events.

For this sixth Application Paper, you are to choose an episode from a television program or movie that depicts a place of employment (such as an office, a restaurant, or a police station). The workplace can be the focus of the whole show or just a segment of it Evaluate whether the work or workers depicted correspond to the Catholic view of the dignity of work. Write your findings and make sure that the following points are considered in your essay.

  1. Do the workers seem fulfilled in their work? Why or why not?
  2. Are the relationships between the coworkers affirming of the dignity of the human person?
  3. Does the work performed by the characters affect society as a whole? How so?
  4. Lastly, as you write your analysis, evidence of the nature of work, rights and abuses of work, and the struggle of consumerism, as discussed in class and as you’ve read in your book will be included in your assessment.

Your sources should include the following: your textbook, the film/show, and one additional source. All sources, including materials derived from the lecture, must be properly cited using the MLA format.Please be sure to use in-paper citations and refer to your source. If you put a quotation or a statement without referencing your source, you will loose points. These will be strictly enforced.

Use the following website to help you with the MLA format:

I expect your application and research to be thorough and to the point.

Your Works Cited page is in addition to the page requirements. The paper should be typed, double-spaced, and printed using standard margins and font size 12. Please be sure to review your paper for proper spelling and grammar. Failure to follow these requirements will result in a deduction of points. Lastly, 10 points will be deducted from your score for every day that the paper is late.

THIS APPLICATION PAPER IS DUE: WEEK OF THE FINAL EXAMS no later than 11:59 PM electronically to