
COAH Staff Advisory Committee Meeting

Wednesday, September 30, 2015, 2 pm

Dean’s Conference Room

In attendance: Arielle Korsgaard, Nate Vargas, Kimily Willingham, Jan Ridgway, Jeff Hammack, Dr. Randy Hendricks

  1. A few people discussed attending the room reservation class with Sonya Adams in VPAA to learn the reservation calendar system. The system should be turning over to another in approximately two years.
  2. We proposed to the Dean that we should have a departmental assistant trainer since we have so many new people. This might prove useful in the future as well. This is something that we will think about and continue discussing.
  3. Dean Hendricks discussed that we will have new staff in History, Art, and Theatre next year. There will also be new instructor lines in Philosophy, and history next year. They will perhaps be discontinuing History and English BA with secondary certification, and collapse the music degree into one BM to streamline the program.
  4. Jan and Arielle discussed the staff retreat that we are planning. It should be held November 13th (Friday), 8-2 at Sunset Hills country club. The course will be taught by an instructor with RCOB, Susan Hall Webb. Jan discussed the possibility of t-shirts for everyone to wear. We also would like to have goodie bags with snacks. The cost will be $7.99 per person for a continental breakfast, $750 for the instructor. We will find out the t-shirt cost, and Jan will take care of goodie bags. Every staff member should attend, both part time and full time. Arielle will send out an email with further details and collect RSVPs and t-shirt sizes.
  5. Engage West Rollout. Dr. Hendricks discussed that it will address communication, work environment, career development. An email with further info will be sent out. Dr. Hendricks will be holding several smaller meetings with staff to discuss goals, needs, wants. As far as career development, what do we want/need to develop ourselves and career? Dr. Hendricks will be working with everyone in COAH to address our needs and make himself more accessible to everyone.
  6. Set up for further meetings: we decided that we will be meeting the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 3 pm. The first meeting of each month will be with agenda, and the second meeting of the month will be without agenda.
  7. Film taskforce this fall – will work on internal plans and model for what curriculum looks like. Perhaps we could make a subcommittee for this?
  8. Jeff suggested that the staff retreat t-shirts should be made by someone in the art department to give someone an opportunity to design. Arielle will contact him.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 2:40