Biology is an intensive study of living organisms – their structures, functions, and processes. The first semester focuses on the study of biochemical processes, cell biology, and molecular genetics. The second semester is devoted to a survey of the five kingdoms – bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and animals.

MaterialsYou will need a notebook ( 3-ring), textbook, and writing materials each day. You may also want to purchase colored pencils or markers for illustrations and diagrams. Come to class prepared! You will not be permitted to go to lockers once class has begun.

AttendanceYou are expected to be in class, on time, every day. Although illness and other

circumstances may necessitate occasional absences, it is difficult to make up

notes, tests, quizzes, and labs. Make every effort to schedule appointments

after school.

For an excused absence, tests, quizzes, or labs missed will be made up the day you return. In the case of a prolonged absence, other arrangements can be made. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule make-up work! If you know about

an absence in advance ( planned trip, debate tournament, out of town game),

you are expected to take the test before you leave.

For an unexcused absence, you will not be allowed to make up graded work, and will receive a 0 for classwork missed..

LaboratorySafety is of paramount importance during lab. Any student exhibiting unsafe

behavior will not be permitted to participate and will receive a 0 for that lab.

TutorialYou are encouraged to come for extra help during tutorial if you are having

trouble. You can also get help during activity period with prior arrangement. Please get help as soon as you see the need. Usually, an occasional help session will save you a lot of frustration. Do not let yourself fall behind! I am here to help you!

Honor CodeAn atmosphere of respect – for your teacher and your classmates - is essential

for effective learning to take place. You are expected to abide by the Stratford

Honor Code at all times. The Honor Code must be written on all work turned

in. You are not to confer with another student on an assignment unless instructed otherwise. Also, you are not allowed to use or copy a classmate’s notes without

permission. Copying or studying another student’s notes without my permission

is a violation of the Honor Code.

ProjectsUsually a couple of projects are assigned during the year. We will probably have

a research report mid-year and a taxonomic collection (either wildflowers or

Insects) in the spring.


The major part of your grade in this course comes from major tests (about 70%). Quizzes, homework assignments,labs, and class participation account for the remainder.


TextBiology – Miller / Levine Prentice Hall Publishers 2000

One last note – Biology is a fascinating yet challenging course. In some ways, it is like learning a new language. The key to success ( and enjoyment) in this class is a consistent, focused effort. It is imperative that you keep up with your reading assignments and that you take good notes. Review your notes and key terms daily. It is essential to master the vocabulary, but it is even more important to understand the concepts. Memorizing vocab alone will not be sufficient. Stay focused in class, diligent in homework preparation, study daily, and you will have a great year!