Thames Valley Football Development League

New Players League Registration Application Form 2015/16

Please complete this form IN FULL & IN INK using Block letters


Team Name:

Age Group:



DOB (dd/mm/yyyy):

Proof of Age is required for a new player’s First Registration to the League, Passport / Birth Certificate or Medical Card to be shown to the League Registration Secretary on completion of this form.


Postcode: Email Address:

Contact Number:


Previous Clubs:

I confirm that, as the registered player, I have read the FA’s RESPECT programme code-of-Conduct and will fully abide by the code.

Tick box

I confirm that, as the players parent/guardian, my child is not registered nor will be registered for another Sunday league team as per rule 8d.

Tick box

Players Signature: Date:

Parents Signature: Date:

To be completed by the Club Secretary

I, secretary of

hereby certify and confirm that I have checked the above details and they are correct. I accept that I am responsible for the accuracy of the details on the player registration form. Where applicable, I have checked with the player’s former club that the player has no liabilities owing to them. As Club secretary, I confirm that the said player has read the code and the club will ensure, to the best of its ability, that the player abides by the code.

Signed: Date:

Return to: TVFDL –

The information contained on this form will be held on the Thames Valley football development League’s database. If you do not wish for your details to be passed to any approved sources you should write to The League Secretary requesting your details are withheld. All players are protected under the Data Protection Act 1998.