
Notes based on Evans Ch 13

• general location and rock types

• calc silicate minerals

• Ts 400-650oC. and lower? (Pb-Zn skarns)

• barran skarns (met pet) metasomatic rocks (from lmst)

calc-silicate hornfels: met. of impure lmst and dol (no metasomatism)

if already mineralized: look like skarns (reaction skarns)

• exo skarns vs endoskarns (c.f. greisens)

generally exo contains more min. where both occur but both may be mineralized.

• Types of exoskarns: calcic (e.g. andradite, diopside) or magnesian (e.g. forsterite)

• Majority of deposits are in calcic exoskarns

• Named on basis of major metal. - Table 13.1.

Cu, W, Fe, Pb-Zn, Mo, Sn

U-REE? Mary Kathleen deposit

• may be associated with endogranitic porphyry-style mineralization,

e.g. vein and greisen deposits. - Bingham

• Zoning - e.g. Fig. 13.1 - in exoskam

also in endoskarn

bt ® amph ® px ® gnt /contact

• Distribution of endoskarns

absent from cupolas with Porphyry-style mineralization.

mainly on peripheries where fluid flow was in or along contact.

original contact may be indistinguishable.

No mention of hydrous and anhydrous skarns.


• Cu skarns - Copper Canyon, Nevada (Fig. 13.2)

Mem้, Haiti (Fig. 13.3)

• Fe skarns - Sarbai, USSR (Russia) - Fig. 13.4 Siberia

Marmosa, Canada*

• W Skarns - most of world's W production.

King Island, Australia; Salau, France (Pyrenees)

Not that much W worldwide.

King Island Scheelite, Fig. 13.5

mass balance calculations: addition of Si, Fe, Al (Edwards et al.)

loss of Ca and CO2

Kwak. et al: suggest these estimates are in error.

best site for ore = where hornfels in marble (doesn’t explain why hornfels is imp.)

hornfels = pre-skarn contact metamorphism

• Talc and Graphite

graphite: minor from skarns (preexisting C) - reaction skarn?

~ 70% of world talc (Mg6[Si8O20](OH)4)

may be v. high grade: almost 100% talc; ~ 400oC.

Genesis of skarn deposits

(1) isochemical metamorphism

(2) multiple stages of metasomatism

(3) retrograde alteration

(Fig. 13.9)

proximal vs distal skarns

stage 1

marble, hornfels, quartzite

reaction skarns

talc, wollastonite

stage 2

magmatic fluids 400 - 800oC

minerals mainly anhydrous

ore stage

Stage 3

hydrous alteration

epidote, actinolite


structurally controlled

may extend beyond skarn into marble

Distal skarns

stages 1 and 2 may not form

210 - 350oC

? "the metam. (1 & 2) development at deep levels is likely to be more extensive than at shallower levels . . . . . "

stage 3 better devel. than 1 and 2 at shallow levels.

(permeability ? )

Sources of "introduced materials"

most = magmatic

easy to supply Si, what about Fe?

Ausable - no intrusion: Fe remobilized from metam. rx

Isotopes: lots of magmatic input

FI : correlation between chemistry and type of pluton

lower Ts for Pb-Zn.

ZONING - Fig. 13.10