Dundalk Chamber of Commerce

Business ExpoExhibitor Agreement Form

Date: Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016
Time: 8:00 am- 1 pm
Place: Sparrows Point Country Club 919 Wise Avenue, Dundalk MD 21222
Cost: Premium Booths (4) Members $400/Non-Members: $500.00 includes 8 tickets
Sponsor Booth Members $ 125/Non-Members: $150 includes 1 tickets
Breakfast/Networking Members $25/Non-Members $30
Checks Payable to:Dundalk Chamber of Commerce 7233 German Hill Road Dundalk, MD 21222 or call with a Credit Card @ 410-284-3700
Event Contact:Cathy Hurley 410-284-3700, 410-463-7601 or


Contact Name: ______

Company: ______

Type of Business: ______

Mailing Address______Zip ______

Phone ______Fax ______Cell ______

E-mail ______

Website ______

# of Exhibitor Spacesneeded: ______

Type of Payment ______Date: ______

Name & Email of all Attendees:

1) ______2)______

3) ______4)______

______I need an electrical outlet (please bring an extension cord in case needed)

______I would like to be near this exhibitor: ______

______I have read event guidelines and agree to all terms

Name:______Date: ______

Business Expo Guidelines

Our event success depends on YOU! Please let your clients know where your will be;

Post on your website, Facebook and all social media pages prior to and during the event.

Don’t forget to post on your events calendar, and to send photos of your table while at the event!

POLICY: (Please Read)

The Dundalk Chamber of Commerce a strict policy of no refunds.

Event FYI:

Date: Wednesday / June 22nd / 2016 Time: 7:30 am- 1 pm Phone: 410-284-3700 or 410-463-7601
Place: Sparrow Point Country Club / 919 Wise Avenue / Dundalk MD 21222
Cost: Premium Booths (4) Members $400/Non-Members: $500.00 includes 8 tickets
Sponsor Booth Members $ 125/Non-Members: $150 includes 1 tickets
Breakfast/Networking Members $25/Non-Members $30 Time 7:30 a.m.- 9:00 a.m.
Spaces will be reserved on a first come, first pay basis

Payment Options: Dundalk Chamber of CommerceEIN # 52-23577176

Checks Payable to: Dundalk Chamber of Commercemailed toCathy Hurley 7233 German Hill Road, Dundalk, MD 21222. We can also accept Credit Cards by calling the office.


1 – 6’ Table covered with linen with 2 Chairs (please feel free to bring your own Logo)

101 Exhibiting at Business Expo Wednesday, June 1stat 5:30PM. Will be Held in Dundalk TBD

Workshops – Lending and Starting a Business

All social media sites

Ads in local papers, Baltimore Sun Paper, Dundalk Eagle, Dundalk Patch, AllEvents, Business Journal, City Paper, Pinterest- Business Listing mention in ads as they roll out.

Facebook Announced

Networking Breakfast Reception (8:00 a.m. – 9 a.m.)

Nametags for all of your booth staff available at the check in table.

Sample press release to send to your existing and potential clients

50/50 Raffle Tickets

Follow-up listing of all exhibitors and event attendees

Consider bringing an raffle item for the event

Set up Time: 7:30 am- 8:45 am. All exhibitors must be ready no later than 9:00 a.m.


Booths and/or Spaces must be staffed at all times. If you have no one to cover your booth, please let us know.

Please do not place purses and coats on chairs. These items should be out of view

Outlets are limited first come first serve basis.

All exhibit material must conform to fire and electrical codes of the facility

Audio - Please keep audio devices at a “tolerable” level. If your devices are disturbing to a neighboring exhibit you may be asked to lower sound levels or to turn off.

Breakdown:No early breakdowns. At the conclusion of the Expo, exhibitors are expected to dismantle their booths and remove all materials. Materials left behind will be removed and placed in trash receptacles.


The Dundalk Chamber of Commerce and the hosting facility shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury that may occur to the exhibitor’s employees or property from any cause whatsoever, prior, during, or subsequent to the period covered by the exhibit application. The exhibitor, in signing the exhibit contract, expressly releases the Overlea Fullerton Business & Professional Association and/or the hosting facility from and agrees to indemnify same against any and all claims for such loss, damages or injury.