A Request from Truman Dalton, WV ACDA Community Choirs R & S Chair

WVACDA Community Choirs

According to the ACDA website, a community choir is a choir that draws its membership from a community at large, not restricted to a single institution. This means that community children’s choirs, symphony choruses, professional, semi-professional and amateur choirs, can all fall under the genre of community choir. All of these choirs are unique yet all are the same for they share the goals of advancing the choral art through rehearsal and performance and the production of beautiful vocal music.

Dr. Tim Sharp, ACDA Executive Director, in a conversation at the WVACDA conference in February, indicated that this can be quite broad and could/should include barbershop groups as well as those mentioned above. Inasmuch as they draw from their communities, choral unions attached to colleges or universities also should be included.

So that we can get a complete picture of community choral organizations in West Virginia and develop a directory, I would like to request that directors and/or officers of such groups send me as much of the information as possible on the attached WORD document.

This request is being sent to the WVACDA membership.You can help by disseminating this request for information to directors who may not be ACDA members. Please forward at will!!

The best method is to fill in the attached WORD document and return it as an attachment to .

If necessary, it may returned via USPS to:

Dr. J. Truman Dalton

WVACDA R&S chair for Community Choirs

739 Gordon Drive

Charleston, WV25303-2810

West Virginia Community Choir Information

Please type or print information, expanding cells as needed.

Name of ensemble
Type of ensemble (e.g. mixed, children, youth, women, barbershop)
Age range of members
Telephone #
Affiliation(s); e.g. ACDA, Chorus America, ASCAP
If paid, Director ‘s salary per concert season (highlight or bold applicable range, or insert a specific figure) / $0.00 $0.00-$250 $250-$500 $500-$750 $750.00-$1,000
$1,000-1,500 $1,500-$2,000 $2,000-$3,000 $3,000-$5,000 $5,000-$10,000 $10,000-$15,000 $15,000-$20,000 $20,000+
Name of Director
Telephone #
Cell phone#
If paid, Accompanist‘s salary per concert season (highlight or bold applicable range) / $0.00 $0.00-$250 $250-$500 $500-$750 $750.00-$1,000
$1,000-2,000 $2,000-$3,000 $3,000-$5,000 $5,000-$10,000
$10,000-$15,000 $15,000-$20,000 $20,000+
Name of Accompanist
President and contact information
Rehearsal site
Concert venue(s)
Brief history of the group
Brief description of board structure
Annual Budget
Other pertinent information

Please send to:

Dr. J. Truman Dalton

WVACDA R&S chair for Community Choirs

739 Gordon Drive

Charleston, WV25303-2810