Personal DetailsSurname: (Title)
First Name(s):
Present Address for Correspondence: / Permanent Address: (if different from Present Address)
Postcode: / Postcode:
Tel No: / Tel No:
Tel No: (Daytime Contact) / Mobile Tel No:
National Insurance No:
Please give the names and addresses of two referees. One referee should provide a reference as to your professional standing and the other should provide evidence of your character. The prior consent of referees must be obtained before using their names. References will be taken up prior to interview.
Name: / Name:Address: / Address:
Tel No: / Tel No:
Position Held: / Position Held:
The Management Committee reserves the right to take up a reference from your present employer.
Detail your qualifications - GCSE, ‘A’Levels and/or others:
Examining Board / Year & Month / Subject / Level / Result/GradeFurther Education
Name of College AttendedYear Qualification Received
Title of Qualification
(if an honours degree state class and division)
Brief details of course:
Postgraduate JNC Relevant Qualifications (Diploma, Masters, PhD etc.)
Name of College AttendedYear Qualification Received
Title of Qualification
Brief details of course:
Please give details of professional qualifications and/or other qualifications relevant to this post, including in-service training, with dates:
Employment History
Present Employment Details
Date Appointed / SalaryName & Address of Employer
Position and Nature of Duties
Period of notice required
Previous Employment Details (use additional page if necessary)
From/ToMonth/Year / Name and Address
of Employer / Job Title (indicate whether full or part-time) / brief details of duties / Reason for
leaving & salary
Experience of Voluntary Work
From / To / Name / address of organisation / Nature of Voluntary ContributionMedical History
Please give brief details of any serious illness or operation which has warranted medical treatment / time off work in the last two years.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability which is relevant to your job application?YES / NO
If you have answered ‘Yes’ - is there anything we should know about your requirements in order to offer you a fair selection, or to make reasonable adjustments to work arrangements: e.g. interpreter, parking facilities, or any other form of assistance? (please specify)
Do you have access to a car? Yes No
Do you hold a full current driving licence? Yes No
If you have answered NO to either of the above mobility questions and you consider yourself to have a disability which is relevant to your job application, can you demonstrate that you can fulfil the mobility requirement of the post for which you are applying?
Further Information
Enclosed you will find a copy of the Job Description for this post as well as guidance notes regarding the post at All Saints Youth Centre. Please read them to acquaint yourself with the duties involved in the post and the ethos and objectives of the Centre.
The Job Description is a broad statement of the purpose, scope, responsibilities, relationships and tasks which constitute this post – based on what is actually done by the person in post at a particular time. It therefore varies with the employee and his or her development and the job’s development and changing circumstances.
Please then continue to complete the rest of this Application Form by filling in the following pages.
In the boxes below please provide evidence of your ability to meet the essential criteria for this post.
- Provide details of your experience in developing a range of employment services at unit level and within the local community for at risk young people?
- Provide details of how you have been leading in the delivery of accredited courses for young people at risk?
- Provide evidence of how you have worked with agencies to develop employment services with young people deemed to be at risk?
- Provide evidence of how you have led project development and implementation in a unit?
- Provide details of how you have management responsibility for staff at Unit Level and within thelocal community?
- Provide evidence of how you have managed Child Safeguarding and pastoral care
- Provide details of your knowledge and skills in administration and finance?
Feel free to add separate sheets of required
Please provide below any other information that you consider may be relevant in support of your application (additional sheets may be used).
Any employee found to have knowingly given false information, or to have wilfully failed to disclose any relevant fact, will be dismissed.
Child ProtectionAll persons contracted into a regulated position as defined under the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007, will be required to undergo an AccessNI check.
Data ProtectionThe information provided by you on this form will only be used for the processing of your application and possible future employment. We will only share thisinformation with a third party if there is a legal or regulatory requirement to do so. We will take completion of this form as consent .
DECLARATION:I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information recorded in this application form is true.
Signed ______Date ______
Closing Date for Receipt of Applications:12 noonMonday12thDec.2016
Please return to:Nicola McKee
Administration Manager
St. Peters Immaculata YC
St. Peters Square North
BT12 4BU
NB: The Selection Panel may decide to select for interview only those applicants who appear to them from the information available to be most suitable.
The Management Committee will NOT acknowledge receipt of applications sent by email or by post. It is NOT our policy to pay travel expenses to any candidate attending interview.