ERO/MMD/674/0898 14.04.2011.
Notice Inviting Tender
NIT No : ERO/MMD/674/0898
Offers in sealed envelopes are invited from Architects and Engineering Consultancy Firms for rendering Consultancy, Design & Engineering services including survey and soil investigation, preparation of preliminary estimation and Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Construction of Centre for Railway Research of G+7 Building at IIT Khragpur, W. Bengal.
Architects and Engineers (A&E), who are financially sound and having technical expertise in Planning, Architectural design and engineering of various public buildings, survey and soil investigation etc can submit their offer. The bidders are requested to furnish the documents as required in respect of their credential as per details given in sl. no 4 below :
1. / Scope of Work / : / Architectural, Structural Design and Engineering Services including site survey & soil investigation work,preparation of preliminary estimates,preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR),with proposals of complete tender document and other documents as required for Construction of Centre for railway research of G+7 Buildings at IIT, Kharagpur, West Bengal2. / Estimated Project Cost / : / Rs. 18.00 ( Eighteen ) Crore Approximately
3. / Completion Time / : / 60 (Sixty ) days from the date of placement of LOI
4. / Type of Bid / : / Two Part Bids
1st Part / : / Techno-commercial bid( In duplicate) under a sealed cover
2nd Part / : / Price Bid( under a sealed cover)
1st Part Techno-commercial Bid
(In duplicate under a sealed cover) / : / In this part bidders are requested to furnish i) the documents as required in respect to the credential of the bidder showing their financial and technical capabilities in this envelope. ii) The complete tender documents(Annexure- I-IV) including unpriced price format as per Annexure-IIand deviation sheet(if any) duly signed and stamped on each page asa token of their acceptance.This envelope shall be sealed and super scribe the envelope with “Techno-Commercial Bid.”
PQ Criteria:To be submitted with supporting documents alongwith their tenders in the first envelope (Techno-commercial Bid):
i) List of similar works executed during last 5 years indicating name
of the Client,Value, date of start and completion.Completion
certificate from Clients to be enclosed.
ii) List of works under execution indicating name of the Client,
Total Contract Value, Value of balance work in hand, date of start
and completion.
iii) Details of Planning & Design Public buildings executed and or
being executed.
iv) Copy of latest income-tax returns filed along with copy of
PAN card
v) Details of manpower available with organization set up.
vi) Details of facilities available for execution of above work.
vii) Registration Certificate of Council of Architecture.
viii) Last three years audited balance sheet.
ix) Whether bidder is covered under MSME Act.
x) Whether worked with EPI.
xi) Name of the Key personnel with designation of the organization.
xi) Any other document as stipulated above and in “Tender
2nd Part Price Bid
(under a sealed cover) / : / In this part bidder should enclose only Price bid as per format enclosed at annexure-II. The form of Price Bid duly filled in lump-sum charges for survey & geo-technical investigation, percentage (%) rate for consultancy charges, both in words and figures in the same form as issued to bidders should be submitted in this envelope, with superscription “Price Bid.” No terms and conditions or deviations if any or any other thing should be kept in this envelope. The sealed price bid of such bidders who are found technically acceptable in accordance with the Pre-qualification Criteria shall only be opened.
5. / Validity of Offer / : / 120 (one Hundred & Twenty only)days from the date of submission of offer
6. / Due date of Bid Opening / : / a) Last date and time of submission of offer 28.4.2011at 2.00 PM
b) Opening of Techno-Commercial Bid : 28.4.2011 at 2.30 PM
7. / Address for submission of tender / : / GROUP GENERAL MANAGER (MMD)
50, Chowringhee Road, 9th Floor
Kolkata – 700 071.
8. / General Notes / : / Complete tender documents consisting the following can be downloaded directly from EPI’s website. In that case the documentation charge of Rs 2500.00 (Rupees Two Thousand Five Hundred only) non-refundable by Crossed Demand Draft favouring Engineering Projects (India) Ltd payable at Kolkata to be submitted alongwith the Technical Bid.
a)N.I.T No. ERO/MMD/674/0898 dated 14.04.2011- Annexure - I.
b) Format for Financial Bid - Annexure-II.
c) Draft Agreement for Consultancy Services - Annexure- III.
The Site plans of the Building shall be colleted from EPI, 50
Chowringhee Road, 9th floor, Kolkata office and shall form a part
of the tender document.
The complete set of Tender Document can also be colleted by the eligible bidders on payment of Rs 2500.00 (Rupees Two Thousand and Five Hundred only), non refundable, by Crossed Demand Draft/Pay Order from a Nationalised/Scheduled Bank favouring “ Engineering Projects (India) Ltd” payable at Kolkata from our EPI, 50 Chowringhee Road, 9th floor, Kolkata office.
The Bidder shall return above documents(Annexure I –IV)
along with their offer duly signed and stamped in each page
Design of building shall be made in accordance with the guide line of latest ISI code. The building work shall generally conform to the CPWD specification with latest amendments.
Architect & Engineer are requested to give their offer in sealed cover on lumpsum price basis for survey Geo-technical
investigation and percentage of the total value of the project for consultancy services, broadly for consultancy services pertaining to comprehensive Architecture, Planning and Detailed Engineering, preparation of complete tender documents etc.
EPI reserves the right to accept any or reject any or all offers or extend the date of submission of the offer or cancel any or all the tender(s) or annul this process without assigning any reason whatsoever. The corrigendum, extension, cancellation of this NIT, if any, shall be hosted in EPI’s website only. The intending bidders are requested to visit the EPI’s websiteregularly for this purpose.
Encl. : Annexure I -NIT
Annexure II-Format for Financial Bid
Annexure III-Draft Agreement with Terms and Conditions
Annexure IV -Site Plan drgs of G+7 Buildings (to be collected from EPI,
50 Chowringhee Road, 9th floor, Kolkata office)