May 7, 2012

6:00 P.M.

Mayor Doug Meier and Jarae Grad (Mayor for A Day Essay contest winner) called the meeting to order on Monday May 7, 2012 at 6:00 P.M.

Council members attending were: Kim Ostlie, Mark Duncan, Bernie Johnson, Annette Glennon, Scott Phipps and David Vold.

Special Guests Were: Jarae Grad, Glen and Loretta Grad, Brian Osowski and Bill Schalow from OS Advisors, Manny Langstrat, Pat and Xavier Ellis and Deputy Conrad Steinhaus. Others in attendance were Arik Solheim and Jackie Buchwitz.

After Mayor Doug Meier and Jarae Grad called the meeting to order, Doug Meier presented Hatton third grader, Jarae Grad, with a check for $25.00 for winning the “If I were Mayor for a Day” essay writing contest for City Government Week. Mayor Meier had Jarae assist him in presiding over the City Council Meeting. Congratulations to Jarae from the Hatton City Council for a wonderful essay and a great job at the meeting.

Brian Osowski and Bill Schalow from OS Advisors spoke to the City Council and presented some updated information regarding the possible restructuring of the City’s USDA Loan. He asked that the Council consider allowing OS Advisors to check out various Bond entities and refinancing options that could possibly save the City thousands of dollars over the life of the loan and also reduce the term of the loan by a couple of years. Dave Vold made a motion to have OS Advisors pursue the search for prospective underwriters that would refinance the USDA Loan. Annette Glennon seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Brian Osowski and Bill Schalow will return to Hatton for the July Council Meeting to present the City Council with their findings.

The City Council decided to move the Council Meeting in July from the first Monday of the month to the second Monday. July Council Meeting will be held on July 9, 2012, at 6:00 P.M.

Manny Langstrat approached the City Council about operating an emergency light Installation business out of his garage. He assured the council that this garage based business would not interfere with City traffic and that it would not be expanding into a large commercial entity. Bernie Johnson made a motion to allow Manny Langstrat the garage based business. Mark Duncan seconded the motion. Jarae Grad asked if all Council members approved the motion to pass. All Council members voted to allow. Motion carried.

Bernie Johnson made a motion to accept the Minutes of the April 2, 2012 Council Meeting and the April 10, 2012 Board of Equalization Meeting. Dave Vold seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Arik Solheim presented his maintenance report to the City Council. Arik suggested that the brush pile on RR Ave. be shut down due to residents disposing of all manner of items on the pile that is designated for yard waste, tree branches and brush. There have been TV’s, old appliances, furniture and garbage left on the brush pile that is not allowed. A brief discussion followed, no action taken.

Arik also discussed a quote submitted from Opp Construction for the street repair this summer. There will be 11 areas that need curb repair with asphalt patch within the City. Opp Constructions quote is $29,300.00. Bernie Johnson made a motion to accept the quote from Opp Construction and have Arik contact them to begin the street repairs. Kim Ostlie seconded the motion. All members voted to approve. Motion carried.

After obtaining another quote of approximately $2,500.00 for the rest of street signs, Arik asked the Council to approve the purchase of the balance of the street signs rather than having to reorder again next year. Annette Glennon made a motion to purchase the balance of Street Signs needed to finish the project for the approximate price of $2,500.00.Scott Phipps seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Arik has taken all of his certification tests and is now certified for commercial application for pesticides.

Scott Phipps made a motion to accept Larimore Plumbing quote of $2,420.00 and Braun Electric’s quote of $905.59 for the ventilation system and the wiring needed to install the ventilation system at the Swimming pool. Annette Glennon seconded the motion. Motion carried. The paint for the pool has been picked up from Sherwin Williams. Arik is hoping to start painting the pool next week. Dave Vold made a motion to accept the maintenance report as presented. Scott Phipps seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Deputy Conrad Steinhaus reported to the City Council that the New Police vehicle is in Hillsboro, all of the equipment is being installed. Hatton Ford has been paid $16,087.44 for Hatton’s share of the Police Vehicle. Scott Phipps made a motion to accept the police report. Annette Glennon seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Dave made the motion to approve the Auditor’s April financial reports. Bernie Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Annette Glennon made a motion to approve the payments of the following bills: Aflac; $242.76, BC/BS; $566.90. Card member Services; $309.33, Century Link (Qwest) $74.00, Grand Forks Traill Water Dist.; $3,639.05, Hatton Co-op Oil; $323.77, Hatton Economic Development; $525.48,Hatton Ford; $16,087.44, Hatton Free Press; $142.80, Hatton Insurance Agency; $30.00, Hatton Park Board; $1,835.11, Johnson Pest Control; $50.00, Kelli Kaiser & Wes Todd; $100.00,Larimore Plumbing & Heating; $1,420.00, Marco Inc.; $129.00, Mayport Hardware Hank; $25.97, Midcontinent Communications; $224.72, Millers Fresh Foods; $4.85,Municipal Government Academy; $15.00, ND Dept. of Health; $32.00, ND One Call Concepts; $3.75, NDPERS; $622.07, ND State Auditor; $165.00, ND Tax Commissioner; $197.71, Nelson Overmoe LTD; $3,750.00, PS Doors;$2066.00,Sanitation Products Inc.; $476.90, Traill County Treasurer; $3,493.00, Traill County Tribune;$200.00, US Treasury; $1,408.84, Verizon Wireless;$69.95, Waste Management of ND; $8,529.16,Xcel Energy(Street Lighting);$1,371.85 and Xcel Energy(City Utilities); $615.07. Kim Ostlie seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Ben Cigelski is back at work for the City in the maintenance department for the summer months. Bernie Johnson made a motion to increase Ben’s hourly wage by $2.00 per hour. Scott Phipps seconded the motion. Motion Carried.

Annette Glennon made a motion to designate the Hatton Free Press as the Official Newspaper for the City of Hatton. Mark Duncan seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Council reviewed and discussed the building permit applications submitted by Scott & Roxanne Phipps, Jeff & Carrie Foss, Jason & Jeni Gibson and Blake & Jill Wamstad for Hatton Granite Countertops Inc. Kim Ostlie made the motion to accept and approve all of the building permit applications. Bernie Johnson seconded the motion. All members approved and motion was carried.

The City Council also reviewed the Application for Property Tax Incentives for New or Expanded Businesses submitted by Hatton Granite Countertops Inc. The applicant requested a 5 year/ 100% exemption. Dave Vold made the motion to accept and approve the 5 yr. / 100% property tax exemption for New or Expanded Businesses for Hatton Granite Countertops Inc. Scott Phipps seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Dana Boe’s Bouncy Houses would like to set up in Hatton again this year on the Fourth of July. The Council discussed Dana’s request of contributions from various city entities, which would enable him to cover his expenses, while providing this entertainment for the residents of Hatton during the July 4th holiday. Bernie Johnson made a motion on the behalf of the Hatton City Council to contribute $100.00 to Dana Boe Bouncy Houses for the July 4th holiday. Annette Glennon seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Annette Glennon presented the council with a description of the Hatton City Signage Grant application and a preliminary drawing of the Hatton City Sign that was submitted to the Traill County Economic Development Commission. If anyone is interested in reviewing what was submitted, please contact Annette Glennon.

Jarae Glad called for a motion to adjourn. Mark Duncan made the motion to adjourn; seconded by Scott Phipps. Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 P.M.

The next City Council meeting will be held on Monday June 4, 2012 at 6:00 PM.

Hatton Mayor: ______Auditor: ______

Douglas Meier Jackie Buchwitz

Subject to approval

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