BVMHOST Quote Form

your contact details

Reference number *
First Name
Second Name
Company Name
Job Title
Phone Number
Mobile Number
Where did you find us?

the brief

What does your business do?
What are the objectives of the application? What do you need your website to do?
Who will be your target audience? Who do you want to attract to your website?
What do you want your visitors to use the website for?
The possibilities for developing a web site are endless, so we need you you to specify a budget...


Does the company have any domain names? If so, please list /

Do you require the registration of any new domains? If so, please list /


Do you require hosting? (yes or no) /  Yes  No
If yes, how much space is required? /  10MB
 25MB
 50MB
 75MB
Other, please sepcify
Do you require Email boxes? If so, please state address

hit reports and statistics

Do you want online reports detailing the number of visitors? /  Yes  No

marketing and search engine reports

Do you want online reports detailing your ranking in the search engines? /  Yes  No
Do you want access to the online search engine and marketing report? /  Yes  No

search engine registration

Do you want search engine registration? /  Yes  No

web page design

How many pages do you see your web site containing?
Do you have an existing web site? /  Yes  No
If yes, what is the URL (web site address)? /
Who hosts this web site?
Do you have a company logo? /  Yes (please provide a copy)  No
Do you have a corporate image? (company colours) /  Yes  No
Please list pantone colours if known
Do you have a corporate brochure? /  Yes  No

web page design

Will you require any digital photos on the web site? If yes, how many (just type in yes if you don't know)
Will you require us to take them? /  Yes  No
Do you require an online form? /  Yes  No
If so, what information do you require? ie name, address etc
Do you require online trading? /  Yes  No
Will your site be using on online catalogue? /  Yes  No
If so how many products?

other items

Do you require connection to the internet? /  Yes  No
If so, will the connection be... /  Stand-alone computer
 Multiple computers on a network
What bandwidth do you need? /  Stand-alone computer
Multiple computers on a network
Leased line