2017 Annual Conference

Speaker & Moderator Packet


Thank you for agreeing to be a Speaker or Moderator at the Western Interstate Child Support Enforcement Council’s (WICSEC) 34th Annual Training Conference in Anchorage, Alaska from Sunday, September 24 to Thursday, September 28, 2017. As a workshop Speaker or Moderator, you will play a vital role in making the conference a success.

WICSEC is continuing to take steps towards going GREEN! Please help us as we make an effort to help the environment by reducing the amount of paper we use. We plan to make workshop handouts and materials available to all conference attendees on our website www.wicsec.org and on our Conference App at least one week prior to the conference. For this reason it is very important that Speakers submit their PowerPoint presentations or other handout materials prior to Friday, August 25, 2017. This will ensure that the materials are added to the website in time for conference attendees to print the handout materials and bring with them to the conference if they choose.

The purpose of this Speaker and Moderator Packet is to help you plan your presentation, register for the conference and make your hotel reservation.

What’s in this Packet?

This Packet covers the following topics:

ü  Speaker and Moderator Support- Information about the Workshop Coordinators and their role

ü  What’s Your Role?- An explanation of the role of Speakers and Moderators

ü  Registering for the Conference - Information on registration fees and expenses

ü  Hotel Accommodations - Information on conference facilities and hotel reservations

ü  Workshop Materials- Standards for development and submission of workshop materials

ü  Checklists with Deadlines - A chart with the due dates for completing key conference planning tasks

ü  Biographical Information - Form to complete and submit to your Workshop Coordinator

The Packet includes:

ü  Speaker/Moderator Biography Form

Speaker and Moderator Support

The Workshop Coordinator will be your contact for all questions and to assist you with your needs. The coordinator will help you put together your presentation if necessary and advise you on timeframes, materials, PowerPoint templates and tips. The coordinator will keep the WICSEC committee updated on your contact information and status of your workshop and presentation.

Communicating with your Workshop Coordinator and WICSEC - Because of the many different individuals and committees involved in planning the conference, clear and straightforward communication is essential. You will find a Speaker/Moderator Biography Form in this packet. Use this form to make sure the information we have about you and your session is accurate and to make sure we have the right equipment to support your presentation. Please direct all questions to your Workshop Coordinator, who will then relay them to others on the committee or your panel if necessary.

Written Communications - When you communicate with your Workshop Coordinator, whether by email, fax or regular mail, please label your correspondence carefully so it is easily identifiable. Use the subject line to indicate that the correspondence relates to the 2017 WICSEC Conference. If you are corresponding about a specific workshop, please use the Workshop Title, and the Identifying Code, if known, to avoid confusion. Each workshop will be assigned a code that includes the day and number of the workshop. Example: “W-12” means the workshop is on Wednesday and is the 12th workshop offered on the agenda.

What’s Your Role?

Ü  Workshop Speaker: Your primary role is to provide a high-quality presentation. As a speaker you agree to not use this speaking opportunity as a platform to sell or promote a specific company, product, or service.

To fulfill that expectation, you need to be organized and prepared. These are the key tasks you are expected to complete:

q  Participate in one or more conference calls with other speakers (if you are part of a panel), the Moderator and Coordinator to plan and develop the agenda for your workshop.

q  Complete a short biographical sketch (no more than 250 words) on the attached Speaker/Moderator Bio Form, and submit it to your Workshop Coordinator by the Friday, July 7, 2017 deadline.

q  Register for the conference. Be sure to select “Speaker Registration” to receive the discount registration rate. The link to register on-line will be available on Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at www.wicsec.org or you can print the registration form and send it in. Please submit payment at the time you register. (If you are only attending the conference to present your workshop and will not attend any additional conference events, you do not need to pay the registration fee. You may register as a “talk and walk” speaker.)

q  Prepare your workshop materials and handouts.

q  Submit an electronic version of workshop materials and any PowerPoint presentations to your Workshop Coordinator by August 25, 2017. All workshop materials will be posted on the WICSEC Conference App and online App site before the conference.

Audio Visual Information: One (1) laptop computer must be provided by at least one speaker in each workshop. All workshop rooms will be equipped with a podium, head table, two (2) table-top microphones, a screen and an LCD projector. If you require a sound patch for a video, an internet connection, or additional A/V equipment please notify your Workshop Coordinator no later than August 25th.

Ü  Workshop Moderator: Your primary role is to serve as the “Master of Ceremonies” at the workshop. These are the key tasks you are expected to complete:

q  Complete a short biographical sketch (no more than 250 words) on the attached Speaker/Moderator Bio Form, and submit to your Workshop Coordinator by the Friday, July 7 deadline.

q  Register for the conference. Be sure to select “Speaker Registration” to receive the discount registration rate. The link to register on-line will be available on Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at www.wicsec.org or you can print the registration form and send it in. Please submit payment at the time you register. (If you are only attending the conference to present your workshop and will not attend any additional conference events, you do not need to pay the registration fee. You may register as a “talk and walk” speaker.)

q  Participate in one or more conference calls with the speakers and coordinator to plan and develop the agenda for the workshop.

q  Prepare and present an introduction to the topic being covered in the workshop.

q  Prepare and present an introduction for each workshop speaker.

q  Facilitate discussion during the workshop as necessary to keep the presenters and the participants on topic and on time.

q  Coordinate an audience Q&A session at the end of the workshop if time allows.

Registering for the Conference

All Speakers and Moderators must register for the conference even if they are attending only for the workshop they are presenting. This will ensure that your name badge and conference materials are ready for you when you check in at the WICSEC Registration Desk. To show our appreciation, we offer a reduced fee of $415 to Speakers and Moderators. If you are attending the conference only to speak at your workshop (i.e. “Talk and Walk”), there is no charge, but you still must submit a Registration Form or register on-line. Check the box for “Speaker/Moderator (attending session only)”. Please note, Talk and Walk speaker registration does not include conference materials and tickets listed below.

The paid Speaker/Moderator registration fee includes a ticket to the Sunday evening President’s Welcome Reception, the Wednesday evening WICSEC Awards Banquet, and the Thursday morning breakfast.

q  Donated Service Deductions - WICSEC is a 501(c) 3, nonprofit organization so the donated services of workshop Speakers and Moderators may be tax deductible. Consult with your personal tax advisors to determine whether you may be eligible for tax deductions.

q  Make your Hotel Reservations EARLY - The WICSEC Annual Training Conference will be held at the Dena’ina Convention Center. Our host hotel is the Hotel Captain Cook which is approximately 4.5 blocks from the convention center.

The Hotel Captain Cook
939 W. 5th Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Phone: (907) 276-6000

Reserve your room at the special conference rate of $165/night by 8/25/2017. To make hotel reservation by phone, please call (800) 843-1950. State you are coming for the WICSEC Conference and give the dates of your stay. Click here to reserve your room online. The special rate is available until August 25, 2017 or until rooms are sold out. We encourage you to make your reservations early to receive the special rate.

Additional lodging is available at the Anchorage Marriott Downtown and the Sheraton Anchorage Hotel.

Anchorage Marriott Downtown
820 West 7th Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Phone: (907) 279-8000

Reserve your room at the special conference rate of $189/night by 8/22/2017. To make your reservation by phone, please call (800) 228-9290 or (907) 279-8000, and use code WICWICA for the WICSEC conference. Click here to reserve your room online.

Sheraton Anchorage Hotel
401 East 6th Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Phone: (907) 276-8700

Reserve your room at the special conference rate of $159/night by 8/23/2017. To make your reservation by phone, please call (907) 276-8700 or Sheraton Reservations at 800-325-3535. In order to receive the group rate, you must mention that you are with the 2017 WICSEC Annual Training Conference at the time of booking. Click here to book online.

Workshop Materials

Feedback on evaluations from our previous conferences shows that written materials enhance the learning experience and contribute to favorable ratings for the workshops. WICSEC strongly encourages speakers to provide written materials, including PowerPoint presentations, reference materials, brochures, charts and graphs, and other information that is key or supplemental to the workshop. These can be in a Word document or PDF format.

Speakers are requested to submit their PowerPoint presentations or other materials to their Workshop Coordinator by August 25, 2017. This will ensure that the materials are added to the app in time for conference attendees to print the materials and bring with them to the conference if they choose. By submitting your materials on or before the deadline, it will not be necessary for you to bring handouts to the conference.

The following are general guidelines for the materials you submit:

·  Keep materials concise-preferably no more than eight pages per speaker.

·  Lengthy court cases or statutes should be cited or summarized.

·  We have a PowerPoint template available with the conference logo for your use. Please contact your workshop coordinator if you are interested in using this template.

·  Format PowerPoint presentation electronic handouts to show three slides per page with space for notes.

·  If you are using copyrighted materials, you must submit written permission for reproduction of these materials.

Workshop Moderator Checklist

DUE DATE / TASK / Completed?
BEFORE Friday, July 7, 2017 / Email biography (250 words or less) to your workshop coordinator (see page 8 for biography form) / q 
BEFORE August 15, 2017 / Register for the conference / q 
BEFORE August 25, 2017 / Book hotel room / q 
Determined by Coordinator / Participate in conference call with panel / q 
Determined by Coordinator / Prepare introduction for Workshop Session / q 
Determined by Coordinator / Prepare introductions for Workshop Speakers / q 
Determined by Coordinator / Participate in on-site meeting with panel / q 

Workshop Speaker Checklist

DUE DATE / TASK / Completed?
BEFORE Friday, July 7, 2017 / Email biography (250 words or less) forms to your workshop coordinator (see page 8 for biography form) / q 
August 25, 2017 / Email all workshop materials to your workshop coordinator. This includes both CLE and Non –CLE materials. / q 
BEFORE August 15, 2017 / Register for the conference and book hotel room / q 
Determined by Coordinator / Participate in conference call with panel / q 
Determined by Coordinator / Participate in on-site meeting with panel / q 

Speaker/Moderator Biography Form

Please send no later than July 7, 2017 as an email attachment to

Your workshop coordinator (information listed above)

Please Type or Print


Name and Credentials
Phone Number / Fax
Cell Phone* / Home Phone*

* These numbers will not be published.


Please provide a brief biography (250 words or less) for publication in the Conference Journal and Conference App. Do not send a resume in lieu of this form.

WICSEC Speaker/Moderator Packet 1

DRAFT 2017