Brundall Parish Council

Brundall Memorial Hall

Links Avenue

Brundall NR13 5LL

Tel; 01603 712223

Mobile; 07809 144342


To all Members of Brundall Parish Council. You are summoned to a Meetingof the Parish Council,which isto be held in the St Laurence Centre,Church Lane, Brundall on Monday26thJune 2017 at 7.00 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.



1.To consider apologies for absence

2.Declarations of interest on items on the Agenda

3.To confirm the Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Councilheld on 22nd May 2017

4.To report on actions arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda: for information only

5.To consider a resolution to adjourn the Meeting for 15 minutes for public participation andCounty Councillors’ and District Councillors’ reports

6.Re-convene the meeting

7.Chairman’s Report


  • Update on the status of the request to Broadland District Council Cabinet make a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)forthe land at Berryfields on behalf of Brundall Parish Council. (The land in question relates to the actual Site Allocations space on the land North of Berryfields adopted by Broadland District Council in May 2016).
  • Update on the project on the land east of Brundall Memorial Hall


  • 20161483 192 houses on land at Berryfields–Amendments to application including muga design- Broom Boats
  • 20170844– New double garage –9 Station Road Brundall NR13 5PQ (recommend support)
  • 20170748 – Replacement Side Porch and Bay Window to Rear, 5 Postwick Lane NR13 5RD (recommend support - ratification)
  • 20170996- Willow Boundary Fence with Timber Driveway Gates, 10 Lake View Drive, NR13 5LT
  • 20170999 – 1 St Clements Way – PROPOSED REMOVAL OF A MATURE OAK

10.To review the methods for Internal controls and risk management

11.Staithes Lane and other sites – appraisal by a delegated group to comment on the state of the lane and access to and from them

12.Report from the Chairman of the Land Management Committee

13.General Power of Competence – to note that the assessment of criteria should be made in the meeting following an election and to approve the Council’s eligibility.

14.Finance –

  • To approve bills for payment for June 2017
  • To approve an amended Bank reconciliation and the Annual Return 2016-17 and for the Chairman to sign them.
  • Allotment Rentals Review - deadline for decision 4th July 17
  • Request by Acle Brundall Lions for a donation of £190 .00 towards the Family Funday in July.
  • Request by Yare Valley churches for a grant towards the maintenance of the Churchyard

15.Parish Clerk’s Correspondence

Order of confirmation onTPO for sycamore rear of Harwalan, West End Avenue

16.Items for next Agenda (not for discussion)

  • Date for next Parish Council Meeting(s): 24thJuly 2017 Parish Council Meeting 7pm St Laurence Centre

S E SmythS E Smyth Parish Clerk19/6/2017