Hance Elementary PTO Public Meeting

September 18, 2014

Attendance: Stephanie Hermann, Jennifer Hopkins, Rachel Richardson, Jen Stout Jessica Irwin, Becka Stokes, Leslie Miller, Jessica Koskey, Jamie Henry, Missy Kusar, Kristen Molinaro, DarrynZawitz, Deirdre Wilson, Dena King, Bethany Mitchell, Katie Postreich, Julie Elter

  1. Call to order : 6:59
  2. Approval of minutes from June 12, Public Meeting- motion made and seconded.
  3. Special Presentation – Superintendent Dr. Brian Miller “Focused on Learning”
  4. Student learning needs involvement from all community members, parents, teachers, coaches, extended family.
  5. We are launching the leaders of tomorrow to make a positive impact
  6. Dr. Mayberry: expressed his appreciation of parental involvement- Thank You!
  7. 17th day of school is tomorrow and results from student assessments will be sent home.
  8. Data from results will be used to adjust teaching.
  1. President’s Report

a)Well done & Thank you to all who contributed to: New Family Orientation, Welcome Back Breakfast, Staff Welcome Breakfast, Spiritwear fundraiser and Star Reader Breakfast.

b)Kidstuff books – due tomorrow, Friday Sept 19th

c)Upcoming Events (see Volunteer Spot to get involved):

  • Book Fair – Sept 22-26th. Jen Hopkins reports that newly acquired Tax exempt status means no sales tax will be charged on purchases. Volunteer openings will be posted in Volunteer Spot
  • Ice cream social- Sept 26th, from 6-8 pm. Diane Osterwise committee chair explained most volunteer spots are filled.
  • Committee Kickoff meeting, Sept 30th, 9:30 am Hance Cafeteria- Stephanie Hermann encourages attendance for all interested.
  • Box Tops Context – Oct 20-24: Kids will compete against other classes for most box tops collected per class. Prize will likely be extra recess time. Moms will be needed to come in to cut out box tops. Volunteers recruited through the scissors club.
  • Halloween Parade – Oct 31, 2:15. Parents will be allowed to attend the outdoor parade.
  • Movie Night- Nov. 14th at time? Ellie Tourney is chair for this event.
  1. Treasurer’s report
  2. 2014-15 budget - Motion to approve was made and seconded for both June and August treasurers reports.
  3. Tax exempt status, gambling license, movie license, volunteer spot, PTO insurance
  4. Teacher requests :
  5. Mrs. Greenblatt requested a platform for $351.99 and a trampoline for $152.99swing for the Sensory Room
  6. Mrs. Lenz, music teacher requested a variety of musical instruments ranging from $2.87- $1,585.00.

Decision was “tabled” for now until actual numbers are in from fundraising opportunities. Board will discuss further in January.

  1. Next PTO meeting- Nov 20th at 9:30 am

Adjournment: 8:03 pm