Brain Injury Network Meeting
- Minutes 07-03-2012 -
ABIOS meeting room
Buranda Shopping Centre, Ipswich Road, Buranda
Chairperson: / Alice Corcoran (Synapse)
Meeting Minutes: / Alice Corcoran (Synapse)
Attendees Name: / Attendees Organisation:
Alice Corcoran / Synapse
Donna Engel / Synapse
Mark Burns / FSG
Brona O’Dowd / Neuropsychologist
Andrew Thomas / Broadly Rees Hogan Lawyers
Kylie Shaw / Broadly Rees Hogan Lawyers
Katrina Harper / NAB National Australia Trustees
Sara Waller / Brisbane South Youth Justice Conferencing
Karen Bowen / Brisbane South Youth Justice Conferencing
Marie Hollingworth / ABIOS
Margaret Rae / Qld Health - QPRS
Karen johnson / Alzheimer’s Association
Jacqueline Mc Conner / NRMA Insurance CTP Claims
Amanda Francis / Qld Health - QPRS
Anna O’Callaghan / Speech Pathology - UQ Health and Rehab
Sanjeeta Mackrani / Alzheimer’s Association
Thea Isles / Open Minds
Scott green / Life Tec
Rachel Mc Cullagh / ROBIN Team - Mater children’s
Elissa Morriss / Qld Health - ABIOS
Name: / Organisation:
Clare Humphries / Synapse
Amy Johnston / Drug Arm
Kaye Casey / Australian Aphasia Association
Cameron Hall / Hall Payne Lawyers
Peter Stuart / Australian Aphasia Association
Ron Cousemacker / Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit – PA Hospital
Wendy Stevens / Lifetec Qld
New Members
Name: / Organisation:
1. Previous Minutes
2. Urgent Business
3. Guest Speakers
1 / Broadly Rees Hogan Lawyers- Speakers Kylie Shaw and Andrew Thomas
·  Briefly discussed the making of wills and the role “Capacity” plays in doing so.
·  Provision Sect 21
·  2006 S.S Act and establishing Disability Trusts
4. General Information Sharing
3 / Donna Engel
Overview of the role of Synapse Assessment and Planning Services
Synapse Services provides comprehensive assessments to assist clients and decision makers (guardians/family members/legal council) who work with clients who have an ABI and/or other neurological conditions or disability. Ph.: Donna at Synapse on (07) 3137-7400 for further details.
Anna O’Callaghan- Speech pathologist, UQ Health and Rehab
Overview of New Project
A project is currently between UQ and the PAH which aims to pilot a new intervention technique for adults with receptive CCDs following traumatic brain injury (TBI). This intervention will consist of both targeted remedial and functional therapeutic techniques. Pre and post measures of cognitive-communication proficiency and outcome measures of real world tasks will determine the interventions effectiveness. Impaired cognitive-communication skills can affect the rehabilitation of a person with brain injury, their social re-integration, community independence, family interactions, successful employment and academic success.
Thea Isles-Open Minds
Overviewed a new pilot project assisting clients to transfer from hospital to home.
Meeting Closed
5. Next Meeting
1 / Next meeting – 6th June 2012
2 / Chair and Minutes – Synapse
3 / Featured Service / Guest Speaker
-  Cameron Hall – Hall Payne Lawyers
-  CRS Australia

G:\AA Community Response\BRAIN INJURY NETWORK\Minutes\BIN meeting minutes 2010-12-08.docx