What is an LTA?

Definition A Limited Trading Authorization (LTA) form allows an advisor to facilitate trades in a Client Name Plan without a client signature.The LTA is used for many types of Client Name account except for ITF or corporate accounts. The LTA form does not give the advisor discretionary trading authorization as evidence of client authorization of all trades utilizing an LTA is still required.

Please note:

A Limited Trading Authorization is automatically provided when signing the Authorization section of the NAAF for all self directed plans and client name fixed term plan.

Order Entry Type Process: Client > Details and LTA and Management Accounts

Process Owner:Branch

Follow Up:Branch

Forms, Paperwork Flow

Forms required:

Account Type / Mutual Funds / Fixed-Term
Client Name / DFSI LTA form / RDBA Client Information and Consent form (or Account agreement)
Intermediary / Intermediary LTA form / Intermediary form
Self-directed / NAAF / NAAF
Form / Branch
DFSI LTA form
Intermediary form / Original to BM


The form is to be completed by the Advisor and signed by the client

The original signed form is to be sent to the Branch Manager, where it will go through an approval process

Once the form has been approved the original will be maintained in the branch file.

Branch Manager will authorize the LTA in the client’s profile and the LTA and management account tab on EWMS, once the LTA has been approved. This process in EWMS is applicable for all type of accounts.

EWMS Process

Verify a LTA status

Enter the client name or ID to search for client

From your EWMS screen, click on Client > Details

LTA Status is authorized

Click on Client > LTA and Management Accounts

LTA Status is authorized for available plans

Important Information

A copy of the form must be kept at the branch, in the client’s file

A copy of the LTA form must be sent to the Fund Company with every Trade Instruction Form, if the client doesn’t sign the Trade Instruction Form (not applicable for self-directed plan).

The LTA form may be used for Client Name Individual or Joint Accounts, but cannot be used for Corporations or ITF Accounts

The LTA does not replace client instructions, all Representatives must ensure clear evidence of client trading instructions are maintained for each trade processed under the LTA

Confidential, for internal use only- 1 -last revised: 25-Dec-2018 | Volume 1