Mr. White’s Early Man Artifact Project:
Due: ______
The purpose of this project is to introduce you to and show you how early man constructed items that were needed and used on a daily basis. These items had to be able to "take a beating" and still remain workable. Their very lives depended on how well they made their tools and other objects.
In this assignment, you will construct a weapon, tool,clothing or religious article that early man might have used. The artifact you make must have some real or symbolic meaning and purpose. You should take great care when making this object because almost everything they made was functional and used in some way on a daily basis. Be prepared to discuss and answer questions about your artifact. You are also required to write a short paper -- one to two pages.
You may use anything you find in nature. Specifically, this means you can use stone, wood, shells, feathers, bone, hide*, and any plants you find. You may also use wood or paper glue.
Do not use tape or nails. If you are not sure of a material that you want to use ask me for permission and clarification first. Early man did not have tape or metal nails, fluorescent paint, or plastic. You may, however, use string, thin leather strips, and thin twine to attach items onto your project.
You may also paint your artifact, but remember this artifact is very old. You may only make one or two cuts on a piece of wood with modern technology, such as an electric saw with the help of your parents. Do not use any old broom handles or precut pieces of wood. Examples of Artifacts to Construct:
  • bow fire starter
  • bow and arrow
  • atlatl (spear thrower)
  • spear arrow points .
  • leather pouches
  • items of jewelry
  • bead work
  • war club
  • Axe/ Hand Axe
  • gourd bowl
  • digging tools
  • Clothing articles

    Early Man Tools
*These are only a few things that you can make. Look through your history book, other reference books, and find something you like and then see me for approval and guidance.
Sources for This Project:
Some local sources for objects found in nature include If you go to a public park, do not, REPEAT do not, pick up or cut any live wood or growing plants. Watch out for poison oak and Ivy! Look in backyards for old cut down trees and limbs. If you go to the beach, look for drift wood. Ask your neighbors, friends, etc. You may have to search long and hard before you find the right piece of wood, bone, feathers, stone, etc. The point is not to give up too easily. Early men and women did not give up easily because if they had they would not have survived. If you do not succeed at first, try and try again until you get it right.
Have fun and learn from this project! Don't wait until the last minute to start your artifact. Do your best!
Be sure to refer to Chapter 3, in Early Cultures as well as the Otzi chapter are good places to start for research. Other good sources are the library and of cource the internet.

Rubric: Early man Pts. earnedPt. value

1)Written component


What is your item______20 Pts

Description of how it was made______20 Pts

Description of how it was used______20 Pts

Spelling______15 Pts

Length requirement (1 – 2 pages double space)______20Pts

Total:______100 Pts

2)Artifact Component

Material use:______50 Pts.

Authenticity (does it look likethe item?)______50Pts

Total______100 Pts

3)Oral PresentationActual Time______

Eye contact______25Pts

Voice______25 Pts

Knowledge of Artifact______25 Pts

Length Time ______25 Pts

Total:______100 Pts

2 minute minimum / 5 minute maximum. For every 10 seconds over or under the limits 1 point is deducted.