In order to help us all get to know one another, each student is going to start the year off with a short presentation in which he or she will introduce him or herself to the class. The speech should be at least three minutes long, and it should reflect the person’s interests, talents, hobbies, goals, dreams, and personality. Each student will also be asked to create a “personal profile collage,” (an artistic representation of him or herself) or a PowerPoint presentation that coordinates with the speech, and to use this as a visual aid during the presentation. (Choose one or the other. You do not need to do both!)

As you plan your speech, be sure to remember the things that you have already learned about making strong oral presentations. For example, plan an attention-grabbing opening. Avoid starting by saying, “My name is ______, and this is my collage.” This sounds very boring to the audience. Instead, begin with an interesting story about yourself, demonstrate one of your special talents, read a short poem, or try some other creative approach that will catch the audience by surprise and “pull them in.”

Think, also, about the order of your ideas and how you can connect them in meaningful ways. What should you talk about first? How can you move from that idea to the next one in a way that flows? Try to make your transitions smooth and interesting, and remember to coordinate your collage/PowerPoint with the ideas that you intend to talk about.

Practice your speech MANY times at home (until you feel as if you could give it in your sleep!), and, as you do, try to be aware of your voice, as well as the information that you are sharing. Your voice should be loud, calm, and clear. Avoid using filler words, if at all possible (“um,” “uh,” “okay,” “and then,” etc.), and try not to rush through your speech.

While you are speaking, try to be aware of your body movements. Don’t fidget or pace, but do try to include expressive hand gestures and/or purposeful movement. Avoid swaying, stepping, slouching, and playing with clothing. Keep your eyes up, and try to look at the audience while you speak.

Some possible topics to include are your personality, interests, hobbies, special talents, goals and dreams for the future, interesting facts about yourself or your family, some of your “favorites,” interesting places you have visited/would like to visit, funny or scary things that have happened to you, your feelings about seventh grade, etc.

Plan a strong conclusion that pulls together the ideas in your speech. One way of ending a speech is by bringing it back “full circle” or reminding the audience of something that you said or did in your opening. Make sure that your last line is powerful and memorable.

Be prepared to give your speech at any time

on or after the due date!!

Collage/PowerPoint requirements:

q  “Write” (or paint or stencil, etc.) your first name or preferred (appropriate) nickname in large, legible letters on the front of the collage or include your name in the PowerPoint presentation.

q  Coordinate your collage/PowerPoint with your speech. If making a collage, use virtually any materials you like (markers, paints, construction paper, magazine cut-outs, stickers, photos, 3-D objects, etc.) Mount your collage on construction paper, wrapping paper, foil, cloth, or some other material to give it a border and make it “stand out.” If choosing to make a PowerPoint presentation, it may include Clip Art, Word Art, scanned photos, computer borders or graphics, etc. Let your imagination soar!

DUE DATE:______