Dress – please plan to wear long pants or capris, especially to church, shorts are not allowed in the churches in Guatemala and are only appropriate at the hotel. While the dress is casual we must be mindful of customs and culture of the area we are visiting.

Talking to one another in churches is viewed as very disrespectful in Guatemala, so please refrain.

Please stay with your assigned groups at all times, while it is a very welcoming country, you must be aware you are in a third world country and it may not be safe to wander off on your own.

The Eucharist is for us the very source and summit of our faith. This is most powerfully experienced during the Thursday morning Mass at Las Obras with all the residents present. Very simply, Holy Mass provides for us every grace we need in order to be faithful, loving and able to serve with a heart like Christ. Everyone on the Mission trip is invited and encouraged to attend daily Mass, even if the Mass is in Spanish. For those unable to receive Communion, you are asked to make a spiritual Communion uniting your heart and soul with the Eucharistic Lord. The U.S. Conference of bishops ask that, "All who are not receiving Holy Communion are encouraged to express in their hearts a prayerful desire for unity with the Lord Jesus and with one another."

Flexibility is very important, as we are there to serve in whatever capacity is needed. So while you may enjoy working in one area more than another, you may be needed more in different area.

There is a lot of walking on uneven, cobble stone streets. If you have difficulty in walking, small taxis are available, please use them so as not to slow your group down.

Being on time is very important, because electronic communication is so limited, it is very important that you are on time always, so others are not searching for you.

There is a very strict rule regarding taking and posting pictures of the residents at the Obras and Socorro. The staff does not want the residents exploited in any way. Do not take any picture without permission and absolutely post no picturesof residents on Facebook or other social media.

Remember your primary task this week is to see and be the presence of God to others. That is our most important reason for going on this trip.

I have read, and understand these expectations for this trip.
