Call for practice form – initial account interviews

Call for practice form

This form should be used to summarise your practice. Practice examples should be based on an implemented practice and should ideally include a learning outcome. Your practice example could be:

  • an intervention
  • apolicing or partnership initiative
  • a problem solving technique that has been applied to a local policing issue
  • a summary of local practice
  • a project
  • an evaluation summary of an established policing method
  • a training course or continuing professional development initiative.

We are particularly interested in approaches connected to vulnerability (including domestic violence, child sexual exploitation, missing persons, mental health), serious and organized crime and violent extremism.

Your practice example should focus on these areas of conducting elements of neighbourhood policing in line with the detail provided in the neighbourhood policing call for practice paper.

Please email your completed submission along with any other related documents you may wish to share. If you have any questions, please contact:

Please note: For further information on sharing practice and to see other examples of what forces have contributed, go to the Practice Bank in the Knowledge Bank area of POLKA.

1.Name of the practice

  1. Focus of the practice

Please tick the area this Call for Practice falls under:

Problem solving approaches to crime prevention

Effective multi-agency approaches

Building community trust/cooperation generating intelligence

Reaching hard to hear groups

Using social media/digital engagement

Identifying community concerns

Building community capacity/resilience

Encouraging community involvement in problem solving

and cohesion

Please provide a corresponding brief description of the practice in no more than 5 lines.

If your practice does not fall within any of the topics above, please provide a short paragraph (no more than 5 lines) to outline the focus of it.

3.Has the practice had an impact on crime outcomes/ or any other relevant outcomes



Brief description:

  1. Have you been able to measure the impact of this practice?



Brief description:

  1. If you conducted an evaluation, what is the evidence that the practiceworks?

Have you conducted:

  • A research-based evaluation? This assesses an intervention at a particular point (or points) in time to determine whether it has achieved its objectives and could be take several forms including surveys, interviews or data analysis.
  • Analysis to identify positive measurable outcomes? For example, the time taken to respond to an issue.
  • Analysis of performance data? For example, a decrease in crime.
  • No evaluation conducted.
  1. What went well?
  1. Barrier or facilitator?

Are there any factors that you think did or could have reduced the impact of this intervention? Is there anything that you think you, or someone else, could improve on to run this intervention again?

8.General considerations

If there are any other relevant details that you would like to share please do so here.

9.Status of the practice

Partially implemented

Fully implemented


  1. What are the long term plans for the practice?

11.Are you happy for us to contact you about your submission or possibly being involved in consensus building activity later in the project?



12.Contact details


Job title/ rank:






Thanks for sharing your example. Practice examples submitted in response to this call will be considered during the development of new guidelines on neighbourhood policingand will be shared with the College development team and the Guideline Committee.

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