Lower Moreland Township School District

Facilities Task Force Meeting Minutes


-  Dr. Feeley introduced Jay Clough from KCBA Architects.

-  Dr. Feeley then reviewed the Clerk of the Works process and reported that the finalist will be up for board approval at the 4/21/09 Board Meeting.

-  Jay then reviewed where the district is with the Pine Road project and also where the State is in reviewing the PlanCon documents. A preconstruction meeting will be scheduled within the next few weeks.

-  Mr. Stahl asked about the square footage costs associated with the project – Jay indicated that he would get that information back to the committee.

-  Dr. Feeley updated future construction needs and possible funding options (i.e. State Stimulus funds, TD Bank etc.)

-  Dr. Feeley then reviewed the goals for the night indicating that the sub-committees would present their final reports.

-  The Enrollment Committee recommended that the enrollment increases were still coming and that we should move 4th grade immediately to Pine Road upon completion. The administration should then evaluate again the possible other grade re-alignments after the move is complete. Dr. Elfont indicated that we should more than enough classroom space for the entire district. He also indicated about grade re-alignment but infrastructures would need to be updated at Murray Avenue (i.e. Science Labs).

-  A question came up about moving 5th grade right away but the conclusion was to re-evaluate things as we got closer to the end of the project.

-  Concerns were brought up about crowding at the High School and Dr. Feeley talked about the IU class that is hosted there.

-  A question came up about not having enough space even after 4th grade leaves – this will be re-evaluated at a later time.

-  The suggestion was to re-convene the committee in September to discuss further possible grade re-alignments.

-  The Infrastructure Committee talked about the gym floor and track and a discussion ensued about where we were in the bid process for those projects.

-  The committee talked about the need for Science Labs at Murray Ave. which would be needed before 9th grade could be moved down.

-  The question of space came up and the nurse’s suite was discussed.

-  A discussion revolved around office areas both for the Administration and Murray Avenue offices.

-  Mr. Sufleta talked about the continued upgrades being done in lavatories.

-  High School concerns talked about overcrowding science labs, planetarium, cafeteria space, gymnasium and library.

-  A discussion revolved around what to do with the planetarium.

-  The Curriculum/Program committee spoke of the science needs, electrical outlets, storage for chemicals etc. for Murray Avenue. Dr. Feeley indicated that the State is putting more emphasis on Science curriculum.

-  Sue Casagrand talked about integrating technology into the curriculum including implementing wireless technology into the buildings.

-  Dr. Feeley reviewed that a final report will go to the Board in May or June and invited the committee to attend that meeting.