Bushy Leaze Children & Families Centre

23rd May 2011


Alison Cliffe (Chair) / Alton Buckle
Ruth Rietdyk / PSA Bushy Leaze
Ian Waine / MedsteadPrimary School
Gill Davis / HCC Youth Support Service
Lynne Meechan / HCC Children & Families
Caroline Warne / CFEH
Karen Cunningham / EH Portage / County Lead Early Support
Dave Ashton / HCC CSD Youth Support Service
Ella Palmer / Head of Wootey’s Infants
Barbara Langham / Clerk


1.1 / The Chair welcomed all to the meeting and introductions were made.
1.2 / Apologies were received from Clare Allen, Hannah Thomas, Jon Myers and Caroline Emery

2. Minutes of the Previous Minutes and Matters Arising

2.1 / The minutes of the meeting held 8th February 2011 were accepted as a true record of the meeting.
2.2 / Information on the Consortium is still being updated, but it seems a very confusing structure.
2.3 / Chair has written to John Coughlan regarding the governance structure. Group does not feel they have enough clarity of the framework. The Children’s Trust Board meeting tomorrow may provide a better understanding.

3. Sub Group updates

3.1 / The sub group meetings held over the past few weeks had been poorly attended, and it was felt that the groups feel they are at a crossroads, especially as a number of partners are not now in post There is a need to re-evaluate the whole of the LCP and it’s sub groups, their purpose and what they are trying to achieve.

Items 4. & 5 were amalgamated.

4. Hampshire LCP’s

5. Alton Buckle LCP – Structure Going Forward

4-5.1 / The Delivery Plan needs to be central to the new LCP. It needs to be clear, concise and realistic. It needs a focus such as transitional work, or vulnerable families and their learning. Dave Ashton outlined what other LCP’s are doing and how one in particular is very pro-active and driven by it’s programme.
4-5.2 / The meeting decided the Delivery Plan needs to be re-written to be more focused on local need and user friendly. It is important to make it more effective especially as it will influence the way funding will be commissioned. An EIP conference brainstorm revealed a lot of information to form a basis for a rewrite, and Ian Waine can access this for Alton Buckle LCP to use.
4-5.3 / A lot of discussion took place and the following points were noted:
The Chair felt that Alton Buckle was losing strength, it doesn’t have any formal governance, and needs direction.
There is a need to look at the sub groups and why they are so poorly attended. Do we need to look at bigger groups with more agencies and views represented?
The group needs to consider whether or not we are looking too strategic, and the possibility of looking at smaller, grass roots projects that can succeed to benefit a lot of people.
A lot of things that have happened in Alton Buckle because Alison has grabbed at opportunities rather than things that have been contained in the Delivery Plan. They are successful because Alison knows what schools want.
 EIP’s are school focused which is why most of the groups are chaired by Head Teachers.
The area could do with an LCP co-ordinator role
The structure of the Alton Buckle needs to be re-examined and this can be achieved through a workshop run by the NationalCollege. It is a free workshop until September 2011, and will help with reviewing and restructuring of the Alton Buckle and the Delivery Plan. AltonCollege may be prepared to offer a venue for a stakeholder event.
Delivery Plan needs to be local and multi agency in the real sense. EIP is school centric.
NationalCollege statistics report that only 14.5% of time is spent in school. That leads to a lot of time out of school, and what happens in that time can impact massively on how the child succeeds in school.
Chair will discuss with NationalCollege about dates for an initial meeting in June with a workshop in July. Agendas should be prepared for each age group; Early Years, Primary and Secondary. Also use the workshop to look at Delivery Plan.
Need to look at what works well in the cluster, what works well in schools and what is the direction of travel.
Commissioning for youth provision–
  • Youth LCPs are currently the only potential route to funding. The Summer Program needs to be finalised by 31st May, and Daves Team will be split into three sections: 16-19 care leavers (21 if in FT education), S139a SEN statement holders and 16 & 17 yr old homeless people.
  • LCP’s will make the proposals, but county councils will hold the money. The funds will be allocated having identified the local need. In this area that sum will be £38k.
  • It is hoped that the Community Development post will be incorporated into Dave Ashton’s team.
  • Dave asked for volunteers from the LCP to do the work of identifying the local need in time for the commissioning processes to start in April 2012. Names were given of people who could help.
The membership of the LCP needs to reflect local need and should comprise of people who can make a difference or are budget holders.
Police Community Safety team are more likely to attend.
There seems to be a lot of small groups setting up to tap into grant money. The LCP needs to know who these groups are, and if we can help them to succeed and prosper. / AC
6 Information Sharing
6.1 / It was felt that all information had been shared in the previous item

7. Dates of Future Meetings

7.1 / The dates of future meetings will be set after the workshops with the NationalCollege.
7.2 / The next meeting will be the workshop with the NationalCollege. Date to be arranged.

8 Any Other Business.

8.1 / Lynn Meechan (Participation Officer) talked about the “My Voice” consultation tool which is web based.
8.2 / A conference will take place in September 2011 where 11-19 yr olds (25 for SEN) will have a chance to meet with the decision makes.
8.3 / Lynn was asked to assist with the re-engagement of EggarsSchool.
8.4 / The official opening of the new AltonBuckleBuilding will take place 21st June 2011.