Dr. Denise D’Meo

West Essex Regional High School

Collegeboard Approved Syllabus 2013-2014

Advanced Placement Chemistry is comparable to an introductory course in chemistry on the college level and is for the academically talented student capable of college level work. Following the AP Chemistry course, as college fredshmen, many students will be able to register for courses in which General Chemistry is a prerequisite. The course takes into consideration the six Big Ideas* described in the Collegeboard framework, and the Learning Objectives are met through a combination of content delivery and inquiry. The class is open to students who have successfully completed Honors Chemistry.

The AP course in chemistry differs from the first year high school course in the number of topics covered, the depth of understanding, and the nature and variety of experiments done in the laboratory. The course should contribute to the development of the students’ abilities to think clearly and to express their ideas, orally and in writing, with clarity and logic. The seven science practices are woven into inquiry-based labs and allowing students to explore concepts and draw inferences from a variety of sources.

Students are required to take the AP test in May.

Big Idea 1: Structure of matter

Big Idea 2: Properties of matter-characteristics, states, and forces of attraction

Big Idea 3: Chemical reactions

Big Idea 4: Rates of chemical reactions

Big Idea 5: Thermodynamics

Big Idea 6: Equilibrium

Textbooks and Lab Books

·  The College Board. AP Chemistry Guided Inquiry Experiments: Applying the Science

Practices. 2013.

·  Zumdahl, Steven and Susan Zumdahl. Chemistry, Eighth Edition. Belmont CA: Cengage

Learning, 2012. [CR1]

·  Demmin, Peter. AP Chemistry, Fifth Edition. New York: D&S Marketing Systems Inc.,


·  Vonderbrink, Sally. Laboratory Experiments for AP Chemistry. Batavia: Flinn Scientific,


·  Randall, Jack. Advanced Chemistry with Vernier. Oregon: Vernier Software and

·  The Ultimate Book of Chemical Equations (Flinn)

Supplementary Materials:

§  Sensors and data collection software allow students collect and analyze experimental data.

§  Many other websites we use employ simulations to create an interactive learning experience.

§  Released AP tests used for practice and review.

§  Supplementary problems and test bank files


Students have the opportunity to participate in investigative laboratory work for approximately 33% of instructional time. Althought they work in groups, each student is responsible for writing his/her own lab reports (maintained in a lab notebook) which include, where appropriate, graphical analysis, data collection, error analysis, and suggestons for follow-up investigations. As a group, students may plan their investigations and discuss the outcome as a group, however, each student writes a laboratory report in a lab notebook for every lab they perform. Labs are listed below.

The Ten Parts of a Laboratory Report (CR7)

A specific format will be given to the student for each lab. Students must follow that

format and label all sections clearly. Late labs will not be accepted. Labs not completed in class must be done at lunch or before/after school by appointment.

Pre-Lab Work

Pre-lab work is to be completed and turned in on the day the lab is performed. Included in the pre-lab report will be:

1. Title (describing the lab)

2. Date (on which the experiment will be performed)

3. Purpose (the purpose is a statement summarizing the “point” of the lab)

4. Procedure Outline

Students need to write an outline of the procedure. They should use bulleted

statements or outline format to make it easy to read. If a student is doing a guided

inquiry lab, they may be required to write a full procedure that they develop.

5. Pre-Lab Questions

Students will be given some questions to answer before the lab is done. They will

need to either rewrite the question or incorporate the question in the answer. The

idea here is that when someone reading the student’s lab notebook, they should be able to tell what the question was by merely looking at their lab report.

6. Data Tables

Students will need to create any data tables or charts necessary for data collection in

the lab.

During the Lab

7. Data

Students need to record all their data directly in their lab notebook. They are not to

be recording data on their separate lab sheet. They need to label all data clearly and

always include proper units of measurement. This section should illustrate clear organizaton of data.

Post-Lab Work

8. Calculations and Graphs

Students must show how a sample calculation was carried out. Graphs need to be titled,

axes labeled, and units shown. To receive credit for any graphs, they must be at least ½ page in size; all graphing must be done in excel, no hand-drawn graphs will be accepted.

9. Conclusions

This will vary from lab to lab. Students will usually be given direction as to what to

write, but it is expected that all conclusions will be well thought out and well written.

10. Post Lab Error Analysis Questions

Follow the same procedure as for Pre-Lab Questions.

Advanced Placement Chemistry — The Laboratory Notebook

A record of lab work is an important document, which will show the quality of the lab work

that students have performed.

AP Chemistry Course Objectives

AP Chemistry Unit Overview

Unit 1: Chemistry Fundamentals (Chapters 1-3 in Zumdahl, 8th ed)

Class Periods (41 minutes): 12

Homework Sets Assigned: 10

Number of Quizzes: 2

Number of Tests: 1

Topics Covered: Curriculum Framework Articulation:

1. Scientific Method BI 1.D.1:a

2. Classification of Matter

·  pure substances vs mixtures 1.A.1:b

·  law of definite proportions 1.A.1:c

·  law of multiple proportions 1.A.1:d

·  chemical and physical changes 3.C.1:b, 3.C.1:c, 5.D:2

3. Nomenclature and formula of binary compounds 1.E.2:b

4. Polyatomic ions and other compounds 1.E.2:b

5. Determination of atomic masses 1.A.1:a

6. Mole concept 1.A.3:b, 1.A.3:c, 1.A.3:d, 1.E.2:b

7. Percent composition 1.A.2:a

8. Empirical and molecular formula 1.A.2:b

9. Writing chemical equations and drawn representations 1.E.1:a, 1.E.1:c, 3.C.1:a

10. Balancing chemical equations 1.A.3:a, 1.E.2:c, 1.E.2:d, 3.A.1:a

11. Applying mole concept to chemical equations (Stoich) 1.A.3:a, 1.E.1:b

12. Determine limiting reagent, theoretical and % yield 3.A.2:a

Labs: [CR5b] & [CR6]

*Guided Inquiry Lab: Sticky Question: How Do You Separate Molecules That Are Attracted to One Another? (taken from Collegeboard lab manual investigation #5 L.O. 2.10, S.P. 4.2, 5.1, 6.4; L.O 2.13, S.P. 1.4, 6.4

* Structured Inquiry Lab: How Can Color Be Used to Determine the Mass Percent of Copper in Brass? (taken from Collegeboard lab manual investigation #2 L.O. 1.16, S.P. 4.2, 5.1; L.O. 3.4, S.P 2.2, 5.1, 6.4

* Structured Inquiry Lab: Determination of Mass-Mole Relationships (Determine Unknown acid—sulfuric or hydrochloric- by titration with NaOH and measuring ∆T for a series of concentrations—includes graphical analysis of data) Carolina Lab Manual, 2011

L.O. 1.4, S.P. 7.1; L.O. 5.7 S.P. 4.3, 5.1. 5.3

Big Idea 1 Activity: Explore the following animation to see the states of matter at the molecular level and what occurs during phase transitions: 1.E.1


Unit 2: Types of Chemical Equations (Chapter 4 in Zumdahl 8th ed)

Class Periods (41 minutes): 9

Homework Sets Assigned: 6

Number of Quizzes: 2

Number of Exams: 1

Topics Covered: Curriculum Framework Articulation:

1. Electrolytes and properties of water 2.A.3:h

2. Molarity and preparation of solutions 1.D.3:c, 2.A.3:i, 2.A.3:j

3. Precipitation reactions and solubility rules 6.C.3:d

4. Acid Base reactions and formation of a salt by titration 1.E.2:f, 3.A.2:c

5. Balancing redox 3.B.3:a, 3.B.3:b, 3.B.3:c, 3.B.3:d

6. Simple redox titrations 1.E.2:f

7. Gravimetric calculations 1.E.2:e

Writing net ionic equations:

8. Redox and single replacement reactions 3.A.1, 3.B.3:e, 3.C.1:d

9. Double replacement reactions 3.A.1, 3.C.1:d

10. Combustion reactions 3.A.1, 3.B.3:e

11. Addition reactions 3.A.1, 3.B.1:a

12. Decomposition reactions 3.A.1, 3.B.1:a, 3.C.1:d

Labs: [CR5b] & [CR6]

Teacher Demo of Redox: Copper and nitric acid reaction L.O. 3.1,3.2; S.P. 1.4, 6.2

*Structured Inquiry Lab: Analysis of % iron in an ore using oxidation-reduction reactions and titrations L.O. 3.8, 3.9; S.P. 6.1, 5.1, 4.1,4.3

*Guided Inquiry: The Copper Cycle Lab L.O. 3.1, 3.2, 3.10; S.P. 6

*Open Inquiry: Design an experiment to determine the mass % of acetic acid in vinegar

L.O. 1.20, S.P. 4.2, 4.3, 5.1 6.4; L.O. 3.3, S.P. 2.2, 5.1

*Guided Inquiry: Exploratory Qualitative Analysis with unknowns L.O. 3.2; S.P. 1.5, 7.1

Students distinguish substances within a group based on evidence of chemical reactions,

such as evolution of a gas, precipitation, color change, solubility, pH, flame tests. The students write net ionic equations which correspond to their observations and identificaton of products LO 2.6; SP 1, 6

Activity: Students will be assigned relevant FRQs from released AP exams LO 3.9; SP 1

Big Idea 2 Activity: Investigate the following simulation which illusttrates the dissolution process of ionic compounds in aqueous solution An animation showing the dissolution of an ionic compound on the particulate level can be found on the website Chemistry Experiment Simulations and Conceptual Computer Animations:



The goal of this is for students to identify the particulate-level changes that occur when an ionic salt dissolves in water, to understand that energy must be added to separate the cations and anions in the solid salt and energy is released during the formation of the water–ion hydration spheres, and to recognize that the magnitude of the energy changes for these two parts of the dissolution process depends on the identity of the cations and anions in the salt.

Big Idea 3 Activity: Explore stoichiometry, coservation of mass, limiting reactants in the following simulation:

http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/reactants-products-and-leftovers 3.A.2

Unit 3: The Gas Laws (Chapter 5 in Zumdahl 8th ed)

Class Periods (41 minutes): 7

Homework Sets assigned: 6

Number of Exams: 1

Topics Covered: Curriculum Frmaework Articulation:

1. Measurement of gases

2. General gas laws - Boyle, Charles, Combined,

and Ideal 2.A.2:a, 2.A.2:c

3. Dalton’s Law of partial pressure 2.A.2:b

4. Molar volume of gases and Stoichiometry 3.A.2:b

5. Graham’s Law

6. Kinetic Molecular Theory 2.A.2:d, 5.A.1

7. Real Gases and deviation from ideal gas law 2.A.2:e, 2.A.2:f, 2.A.2:g, 2.B.2:c,


8. Graham’s Law demonstration 2.A.2

TEACHER DEMO: Graham’s Law of Diffusion LO 2.6; SP 1, 6

Labs: [CR5b] & [CR6]

*Structured Inquiry Lab: Dumas Method Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid using two unknowns

(Carolina Lab Manual, 2011) LO 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 5.2; SP 1.4, 6.4, 2.2, 2.3

*Open Inquiry Lab: Determining the Molar Mass of butane

L.O. 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 5.2; SP 1.4, 6.4, 2.2, 2.3


Online interactive simulation illustrates how gases exert pressure, and students observe and graph the relationships between pressure and temperature, then volume and temperature 2.A.2.a


Unit 4: Thermochemistry (Chapters 6 and 17 in Zumdahl 8th ed)

Class Periods (41 minutes): 9

Homework Sets Assigned: 9

Number of Quizzes: 2

Number of Exams: 1

Topics Covered: Curriculum Framework Articulation:

1. Law of conservation of energy, work, and

internal energy 5.B.1, 5.E.2:a

2. Endothermic and exothermic reactions 3.C.2, 5.B.3:e, 5.B.3:f

3. Potential energy diagrams 3.C.2, 5.C.2:c, 5.C.2:d, 5.C.2:e

4. Calorimetry, heat capacity, and specific heat 5.A.2, 5.B.2, 5.B.3:a, 5.B.3:b, 5.B.4

5. Hess’s law 5.B.3:a

6. Heat of formation/combustion 5.C.2:g

7. Bond energies 2.C.1:d, 5.C.1, 5.C.2:a, 5.C.2:b

8. Three Laws of thermodynamics

9. Defining and prediciting entropy and criteria for spontaneity 5.E.1

10. Combining entropy, enthalpy, and free energy 5.E.2:c, 5.E.3,

11. Free energy 5.E.2:d, 5.E.2:e, 5.E.2:f, 6.C.3:c, 6.D.1:a

12. Free energy and equilibrium 5.E.2, 6.D.1:b, 6.D.1:c, 6.D.1:d

13. Rate and Spontaneity 5.E.2:e, 5.E.5

Labs: [CR5b] & [CR6]

*Open Inquiry Lab: Determine the Heat of Fusion of paraffin wax L.O. 5.6, S.P. 4.2

*Structured Inquiry Lab: Hess’s Law Lab LO 3.11, 5.3-5.5, 5.7, 5.8; SP 2, 5, 3, 4, 6

Big Idea 5 Activity: Explore heating and cooling curves in an online activity:


LO 5.6 & SP 1, 2.A.1

Unit 5: Atomic Structure and Periodicity (Chapter 7 in Zumdahl 8th ed)

Class Periods (41 minutes): 10

Homework Sets Assigned: 9

Number of Quizzes: 2

Number of Exams: 1

Topics Covered: Curriculum Framework Articulation:

1. Electron configuration and the Aufbau Principle 1.B.2:a

2. Valence electrons and Lewis dot structures 1.B.2:c

3. Periodic trends 1.B.1:b, 1.B.1:c, 1.B.2:b, 1.B.2:d, 1.C.1:c, 1.D.1:b, 2.C.1:a, 2.C.1:b

4. Table arrangement based on electronic properties1.C.1:a, 1.C.1:b, 1.C.1:d

5. Properties of light and study of waves 1.C.2:e, 1.D.3:a, 5.E.4:b

6. Atomic spectra of hydrogen and energy levels 1.B.1:d, 1.B.1:e, 1.D.3:b

7. Quantum mechanical model 1.C.2:d

8. Quantum theory and electron orbitals 1.C.2:c

9. Orbital shape and energies 1.C.2:b

10. Spectroscopy 1.D.2:a, 1.D.2:b, 1.D.2:c, 1.D.3:b

Labs: [CR5b] & [CR6]

Activity: Periodic Tabe Dry Lab: Flinn sets of cards, each card representing an element, containing information on atomic radius, ionization energy, electron affinity, empirical formulas for oxides and chlorides etc, are provided tand the student assemble them into a coherent periodic table based on trends L.O. 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 S.P. 1,5,6


Part 1: Read “Where do chemical elements come from?”, ChemMatters, 2009 1B

Part 2: Determine which elements are present in stars based on their spectra:

http://www.learner.org/teacherslab/science/light/color/spectra/spectra_1.html 1B

Teacher Demo: activity series of the alkali metals L.O. 1.9, 1.10, S.P. 6.1, 6.4

Unit 6: Bonding: General Concepts) (Chapters 8 and 9 in Zumdahl 8th ed)

Class Periods (41 minutes): 8

Homework Sets Assigned: 8

Number of Quizzes: 1

Number of Exams: 1

Topics Covered: Curriculum Framework Articulation:

1. Lewis Dot structures 2.C.4:a

2. Resonance structures and formal charge 2.C.4:c, 2.C.4:d, 2.C.4:e

3. Bond polarity and dipole moments 2.C.1:c, 2.C.1:e, 2.C.1:f

4. VSEPR models and molecular shape 2.C.4:b, 2.C.4:e, 2.C.4:f

5. Polarity of molecules 2.C.1:e

6. Lattice energies 1.B.1:a, 1.C.2:a, 2.C.1:d (1-2), .C.2:a, 2.C.2:b, 2.D.1:b

7. Hybridization 2.C.4:g

8. Molecular orbitals and diagrams 2.C.4:h, 2.C.4:i

9. Formulate the bonding in molecules in terms of sigma and Pi bonds 2.C.4

10. Describe hybridization and the Localized Electron Model 2.C.4