July 28, 2016
The Lower Mifflin TownshipBoard of Supervisors met onJuly 28, 2016for their regular meeting. Clinton Barrick, Dale Barrick, Franklin Oilerwere present. The meeting was called to order by Clinton B.at 7:05pm.The minutes of the June 30, 2016 meeting were approved with corrections. FO 1st, CB 2nd, DB.
NEWVILLE FIRE CO.REPORT:May – 1 call June – 5 calls Daniel Lehman reported that the Mifflin Fair will be August 19-20. Posters are printed and he will get one to the township to be posted on the website and at the township. LUMAA had not had any information given to them to date.
EMC REPORT: Blizzard 2016 paperwork has been approved and we are waiting on reimbursement check. Ritchie asks the supervisors to put a Burn Ban in place. MM presented the board with a resolution template outlining the ban. Supervisors discussed the ban, including consequences and fines, enforcement. Ritchie also asked about Ordinance 2006-1 which already shows a burn ban for LMT. No original could be found during meeting. Supervisors implemented Resolution 2016-2 which advises residents to refrain from open burning of any kind during the burn ban. CB 1st, FO 2nd, DB
PUBLIC COMMENT: Barb Cline was given an updated oath of office for record keeping with the election bureau. MM will take care of notarizing and sending original to election bureau representative. Randy Barrick is concerned about the township involvement in the LUMAA, specifically the money that LMT spends/contributes to the gym each year. RB asks if the board is in favor of remaining involved in the LUMAA. There are multiple “facebook” pages for the LUMAA. Board looking into putting it on the spring 2017 ballot to see if residents are interested in continuing participation in the LUMAA.
EXECUTIVE SESSION:Called by CB 8:16-8:25 no decisions were made
SOLICITOR’S REPORT:Our current Zoning Ordinance does not require a permit when UCC requires building permits. We will amend that to say that all repair work or construction work needs a permit. DB recommends we change 17.02.00 – Requirement .01 sections a b concerning zoning permits to read ALL construction needs zoning and land use permit.DB 1st, CB 2nd, FO. Ordinance change will need to be advertised to have the change take effect. MM will do the advertising. Decision on Manney court hearing. Witness Ronald Armold was hired to demolish the trailer. He wouldn’t do it without a permit. She hired a friend to have it done without a permit. She then called DEP and asked them to tell her she needed to clean up the property. Twp. showed the judge that she never obtained the proper documentation for the removal of the trailer. She had no proof of ownership. Manney said the law didn’t say she needed to. The judge said the twp was completely right in what we advised Manney. The judge then reviewed previous cases and pulled the case that Manney previously had with the judge requesting damage costs against the owner in cleanup of the property.Manney did admit that she didn’t do it the correct way to begin with and paid the fine on the spot and obtained the permit. JB according to our zoning book the way that she did this, now the property has been declared abandoned. In order to put another home on the property she will have to get a special exception to do so. The trailer that she tore down did not meet setback guidelines and since that trailer was put on in 1984 prior to zoning it may not have met septic setbacks either. MM spoke with Joe Jones – Mixell has no plans to sell any or all of the salvage yard. Joe is not upset with our township in any way. He knows he has his hands full with maintaining the regulations imposed within our township. MM sent Mixell a letter outlining ordinances in place in LMT. MM also sent a letter to Seibert’s giving them 30 days to clean up the property and bring the property into compliance with LMT zoning ordinance.
ZONING OFFICER’S REPORT:10 permits for July. $463.00 fees.JB sent letters to people who didn’t get permits. Some permit apps not completely filled out. JB contacted Hooke HookeEckman, and B&H Agency regarding placement of signs on properties. Hollen is still upset about his neighbor at Middle Acres. JB visited the property numerous times and has seen nothing that is out of the zoning ordinance guidelines. JB asked if Vicki Baker had any follow-up on the state police report.
ROADMASTER REPORT: Payment for New Holland tractor and Tiger mower will be as follows: $60,891.15 from liquid fuels PLGIT account, and remaining $30,108.85 from Money Market Fund. CB 1st, DB 2nd, FO. Delivery will be in the upcoming week. Denny Kennedy has been working out great. Hammakers will be tarring and chipping mid August. Guardrails are all trimmed. Weed eater that FO donated did not work however it was used as a trade in on the purchase of a new weed eater through Nolt’s Engine Service. Heckman Rd & Grizzly Lane signs were stolen.
ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION:Bill List for Approval:CB 1st, DB2nd, FOun.Treasurer’s Report; CB 1st, FO 2nd, DB un. CB will talk to Joan Gutshall regarding trimming of the cemetery as well as mowing. Motion made to create Resolution 2016-3 for approval of sewage planning module to GHD for work at Colonel Denning State Park CB 1st, DB 2nd, FO.
OLD BUSINESS:Discussion is still going on regarding trailer. Trailer should have multiple uses, should maybe be bigger than what we originally discussed.
NEW BUSINESS: Order burn ban signs. Looking into grants for low volume roads. DB would like FO to do traffic studies and photographing of roads when the time comes.
ADJOURNMENT:called at 9:17pm
Respectfully Submitted,Income ACNB Checking: $3,500.36
Income Money Market: $11,071.34
Payroll Expenses: $2,516.77
Brandi L. Lay, Secretary General Expenses: $7,751.75