Piedmont Council Newsletter October, 2002 Issue
Piedmont Council Newsletter
October, 2002 Issue
Deadline for article Submission: October 1, 2002
Audience for Newsletter: Unlike previous issues, this is a community-wide mailing. This means it goes to people who may not be familiar with the Council and its activities (e.g., people with grown children, people whose children have chosen not to join Scouting or Venturing units, people with young children, and people with no children.) Please keep this audience in mind when writing your articles!
Section / Item / Content / Approx. # Words / Responsible/Author /Page 1 - Front
/ Masthead / Include Date: Fall, 2002 / Linda TuIndex: Inside this issue… (teaser) / Highlight features & key articles / Anne-Marie Lamarche
JO waiting for info from del monte to complete / Feature: Scouting for Food / Scouting for Food background, this year’s date, profile on beneficiary organization, possible Del Monte tie-in / 300 / Jo Hazelett/Jill Smith
OK (photos included) / Feature: Order of the Arrow / Update on Order of the Arrow - NOAC / 250-300 / Ted Zika
Feature: Middle School boys invited to join BS troops / Recruitment push for new boys to join Piedmont troops. Description of activities, focus on fun & adventure, no previous experience necessary / 300 / Anne-Marie Lamarche
Pages 2,3 - Council News
DALE TO SUBMIT IN NEXT FEW DAYS (submitting all 3 articles together) / Letter: President’s Perspective / 250-300 / Dale Radcliff
OK / Listing: 2002 Board Members / Check for latest Update / Linda Tu
MAUREEN RETURNING ON THURSDAY. will follow up with her. / Announcement: New VP Cub Scouts, Marueeen Kennedy / Brief Profile inviting parents interested in Cub Scouting to contact Maureen / 250 / Maureen Kennedy
OK (PHOTO INCL) / Feature: Adult volunteer leader profile – Luigi Tinonga / Summary of volunteer history, recent award won - warm & personal profile PHOTO / 500 / DONE:
Jack States
/ Announcement: Religious Emblems Programs / Info on Program – Box accompanying Tinonga article / 150 / DONEJUST SENT REMINDER TO JEFF / Feature: Training – Why it’s important for leaders to have formal training / Training - Benefits of becoming a trained leader, What’s been done recently, what’s coming up – with dates / 200 / Jeff Green
Solicitation: Letters to Editor / Have an opinion? We’d like to hear it! Same as last issue, vary format / 50 / Anne-Marie Lamarche
Publication Info / Update - list of contributors / Anne-Marie Lamarche
Pages 4, 5 - Fundraising
will be in touch with bart today. / Feature: 2002 Friends of Scouting Campaign Status / Brief summary of purpose, results to date, encouragement to donate / 150 / Bart Schenone
WILL DO THIS AFTER ARTICLES ARE ON TEMPLATE to determine space / Solicitation: Memorial/Tribute Fund / BOX – Same as last issue, vary format / 50 / Linda Tu
DO THIS LAST MINUTE TO INCLUDE ALL DONORS / List: 2002 Friends of Scouting Donor List / Contributors since June.
Names in 6 pt. type / 75 / Linda Tu
NEXT FEW DAYS. DALE IS AWARE / Feature: Endowment Campaign / Brief summary of purpose, results to date, still looking for leadership donor / 300 / Dale Radcliff
WILL DO LAST MINUTE / List: Endowment Donors to Date / Donors by category / 50 / Linda Tu
NEXT FEW DAYS. DALE IS AWARE / Announcement: Christmas Tree Lot / BOX with reminder that Tree lot is coming up, dates and leadership / 50 / Dale Radcliff
Pages 6, 7, 10 - Unit News / Listing: Units and leaders / Leader names for Cubs, Scouts, Venturing, Explorers – no phone numbers / Linda Tu
/ Letter: Commissioner’s Corner / Recap of summer events (4th of July?), Webelos Woods - plus outlook for Fall / 250-300 / Greg Andreas, CommissionerPER BONNIE SHE IS UNABLE TO DO. ASKED THAT I SENT EMAIL TO J.GREEN, R.HARMS, P.ORGERON, R.RODRIGUEZ TO ASK FOR ARTICLES/PHOTOS. / Column: News from the TROOPS / § Boy-written articles (if possible) on summer camps & hikes
§ 2 sentence synopsis of each Troop’s upcoming activities
§ PHOTOS!!! / Total 700 words (150-200 words per troop) / Bonnie Gaither, VP Scouting
NEED PHOTOS from Summer Activities – with people identified, please!
MAUREEN WILL SUBMIT WHEN SHE RETURNS. will follow up / Column: Cub Scout Connection / § Requesting 2-5 sentence synopsis of each Pack’s activities
§ Eyeglasses Drive (?) / Total 250 words / Maureen Kennedy, VP Cub Scouts
OK / Column: Something Ventured, Something Gained / Requesting 5 sentence synopsis of each Venturing/Explorer unit’s activities
(Note: separate article planned on new Police Explorer Post) / Total 400 / Dewey Watson, VP Venturing
BRUCE DOES NOT WANT TO DO THIS. HE SAID HE WILL E-MAIL ANNE-MARIE HIMSELF. / Report: Council participation in 4th July community celebration / Unit participation (pancake breakfast, food sales, parade), results, PHOTOS / 200 / Bruce Turner
Announce: Popcorn Sales Nearing Conclusion / Results to date, some popcorn available in office if you missed it / 100 / Jo Hazelett
MAUREEN WILL SUBMIT WHEN SHE RETURNS. / Announce: Upcoming Pinewood Derby / Build participation in event. Dates, where, how to obtain info for participation. List websites for tips on car-building. / 150 / Maureen Kennedy, VP Cub Scouts
Solicitation for articles and photos from units / Brief box – could be placed anywhere in newsletter – as space allows / 50 / REPEAT FROM LAST ISSUE – Vary Format
JO CONTACTED HERB. / CARTOON / Possible Topics: Popcorn Sales, Webelos Woods camp-out, Pinewood Derby, Summer Hiking Trips / Jo Hazelett/ Herb Stansbury
Page 8 - Service to Community
JESSICA LAM & CARLIN LEE to submit. emailed reminders. photos ok. / Announcement: Upcoming Bike Rodeo / Build interest/participation in event. Dates, location, description of event / 150 / Steve DeWarns
JESSICA LAM & CARLIN LEE to submit. emailed reminders. photos ok. / Feature: New Police Explorer Post / Student-written article on new Explorer Post including purpose, list of members, leader, recent activities / 250 / Steve DeWarns
PHOTO of Group
Continuation: Front page article on Scouting for Food
Eagles’ Nest
(Page 9)
paul will work on today 10/2 at the office / Tribute: 5-6 Eagle Scout recipients – PHOTO for Each / Like Past issues. Focus on Scout achievement and community service. / 500-600 / Paul Mayer
Announcement: Eagle Scout Tribute Fund / Invite readers to contribute in honor of Eagle Scouts. / 50 / Same as last issue
emailed greg a reminder. / Solicitation: Are you an Eagle? / Looking for Piedmont Eagle Scouts. Exciting events planned beginning next Spring. / 50 / Greg Andreas
Page 11 -Photo
PER BONNIE SHE IS UNABLE TO DO. ASKED THAT I SENT EMAIL TO J.GREEN, R.HARMS, P.ORGERON, R.RODRIGUEZ TO ASK FOR ARTICLES/PHOTOS. / Summer Boy Scout Camps and Troop Hikes / 6-8 photos with captions and names selected from among those submitted by troops / 75 / Bonnie Gaither
Need Names of those pictured on back of photos!
Page 12 - Back Page
Calendar of Events / Calendar of Events through January, 2003 / Jo Hazelett
reversed the image due to request from post office - OK / Piedmont Council Logo/return address / Existing
reversed the image due to request from post office -OK / Non-profit bulk postage permit / Take from last issue
Address label area / Existing
Next Issue: February 2003 - Deadline January 5, 2003
A. M. Lamarche: 10/2/02 Page 2