Greensborough Historical Society Incorporated


The purposes for which the Society is established are:

1. To preserve the history and heritage of Greensborough and its environs from the earliest records to the present time including indigenous and non-indigenous history.

2. To collect, record, conserve, preserve and catalogue written and oral histories, documents, maps, photographs, objects, memorabilia and general items of interest relevant to the Society’s purposes.

3. To undertake ongoing historical research to maintain the historical record of Greensborough and its environs.

4. To encourage and promote the history and heritage of the Greensborough region and to ensure the collection is accessible to Society members, researchers and any other interested persons.

5. To promote community understanding of the importance of recording and maintaining historical records from the earliest records to the present time.

6. To work for the historical preservation and conservation of buildings, land, structures and geographic features of historical interest where relevant to the Society’s purposes.

7. To provide a local resource centre for Society members, researchers and any other interested persons to share historical and heritage information of Greensborough and its environs.

8. To publish and assist with the publication of materials with a historical or heritage interest relevant to the Society’s purposes.

9. Subject to all necessary approvals and in accordance to the Society’s Constitution and Rules, raise funds by public subscription or otherwise to fulfil the Society’s purposes and objectives.

10. To affiliate with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria

11. To work in association with the National Trust of Victoria and any other bodies or organisations of similar aims in the preservation of buildings, artefacts and objects of architectural and historical interest in Greensborough and environs.

12. To co-operate and undertake liaison with other bodies and organisations having the same or similar aims and objectives within and outside Greensborough and its environs