St. Hubert Coaching Guideline

This guideline is designed to help coaches understand how our athletic programs work. This is a work in progress document that may be modified at any time by the Athletic Director. Highlighted items are recently added.

Cool off Period

  1. Any issues that arise between parents & coaches or coaches and referee’s will require 24 hours to cool off before approaching, calling or emailing about that issue. This includes parents contacting coaches and or parents/coaches contacting the Athletic Director or any other athletic board members.

Mandatory Training/Paperwork:

  1. All St. Hubert volunteers (coaches) need to complete a Virtus training class (approximately 3 hours) at a local parish. You will need to make a copy of your Virtus training certificate and send a copy to the school office. Coaches must also complete a background check, code of conduct form, Cants form. You also must complete an on-line course called “mandated reporter training” which takes about 1 hour to complete. You must be connected to a printer to print out your mandated reported training certificate. You will then need to make a copy of your mandated reported certificate and send a copy to the school office. All of this must be completed before the coach has their first practice. These forms will be sent home from the school office and need to be filled out and returned within 1 week. These forms can also be found on the Athletic web site under coach’s information.

Coaching Application:

  1. All new St. Hubert coaches must fill out a coaching application and email it to the AD within 5 days of completing the athlete’s on-line registration. Returning coaches are not required to fill out an application. A copy of the coaching application can be found on the Athletic web site under coach’s information.


  1. When evaluations are needed for a grade level only one head and one assistant coach can be locked in until evaluations are completed. Evaluations will only be used when we need to divide teams evenly or gold & silver per gender and grade level.


  1. If a coach schedules a practice and needs to cancel it at the last minute, the coach must make the arrangements to get the key handed off to the next team that is scheduled to practice if the parish office will be closed.
  2. Watch your time, all practices must start and END at their scheduled times. Running over your scheduled practice time with another team waiting to take the floor is not tolerated.
  3. All practices require 2 adults in the gym at all times. This does not mean 2 coaches. Another parent is good.
  4. During the basketball season, we can have around 10 - 12 teams sharing one gym with a parish & school so the gym times availability to Athletics will go fast. The prime time for volleyball & basketball practices in our gym during the weekdays is 5:30pm to 9:30pm. There is a hierarchy for picking available gym practice time slots 8th grade to 5th grade.
  5. Teams are encouraged to take 2 practices a week but that is subject to gym & coach’s availability. The AD will host a (two separate for basketball) conference call(s) for teams to pick practices once all of the games are scheduled. The 7th & 8th graders will be on the first call then the 5th & 6th graders will be on the second call. The 8th graders pick first, and then the 7th graders. During the weekdays, the7th & 8th graders can only take 7:30pm to 9:30pm time slots or 2pm to 5:30pm if the coach is available. Then the 6th graders pick third, and then the 5th graders have last pick. During the weekdays, the 5th & 6th graders can only take 5:30pm to 7:30pm time slots or 2pm to 5:30pm if the coach is available. The coaches who are now in 6th, 7th & 8th grade were the last pick when their team was in 5th grade too.
  6. The Athletic web site scheduler does NOT allow us to double book our gym. So, when teams are doublebooked in our gym for practices the schedule might list your team on St. Hubert court 2 (or Court 3 is used when 2 5th grade boys’ teams are practicing together and another team has the other half of the gym). Please make sure your parents are aware that court 2 (or court 3) does not exist and everyone is in our one and only gym.

Practices after School – Players to and from Aftercare

  1. If a coach schedules a practice right after school, the coach will need to have the parents send a note to their child’s teacher saying their child will go to the gym right after school. The office gets many notes each day. FULL Names must be included in the note. One note can cover all practice days for any given week.
  2. If you schedule a practice right after school, you MUST sign out the MPR keys from the Parish office. You must use the MPR keys to open door 34. Otherwise you will be causing a security breach that is on camera.
  3. Once a practice is completed, if a player needs to return to the St. Hubert after care program one of the coaches must escort the player back to the aftercare room. They can’t go through the school. They need to walk across the parking lot from the Parish office doors to the aftercare entrance doors.
  4. If a player is to be released from aftercare to a coach, the coach(s) names must be on the list for that player in order to be released. They can’t go through the school and must walk across the parking lot from the aftercare doors to the Parish office doors.


  1. Sometimes the AD is not aware of school scheduled activities that might be conflicts with teams playing in games. Please contact the AD with any conflicts you may find.
  2. At any time throughout the season games dates & times might be changed due to conflicts that might come up. The Athletic Director will re-schedule the game for a new date and time that the team is free. An email will be sent out to the coaches so the parents can be updated.


  1. The head coach of the team needing a player(s) called up needs to contact the head coach of the grade below team to find out which players are available.
  2. The head coach from the grade below will contact their players and confirm availability to the head coach from the grade above.
  3. The head coach from the grade below should send different players for each request, but this could be limited to a handful of players.


  1. If an athlete is injured during a St. Hubert athletic activity that requires an emergency room visit or doctor visit an email should be sent from the coach to the AD with the details of what happened. This should be sent within 24 hours of the injury. If the FD is called to our school due to any injury, please get the parents information. Name, address, phone numbers so an accident report can be filled out with the parish.

School Absents:

  1. An athlete who was absent from school due to illness is not allowed to attend practice or play in a game on that given day. Only exception is for a funeral. Absence from school on a Friday should not affect Saturday and Sunday participation if the athlete has recovered sufficiently to play. Athletes absent from school can’t practice or play games the same night.

Tournaments we join:

  1. The AD will review the tournament schedules for volleyball and basketball and will pick up to 3 tournaments to enter our teams into them. These are subject to conference games or other school events. Some teams might not be able to get into any tournaments due to conflicts.
  2. When we enter tournaments, the dates will be posted on the team’s web site schedule with a bogus time frame. The web site schedule requires a time entered. Here are some examples: 6:00am – 6:15am / 6:15am – 6:30am / 6:30am – 6:45am. The tournaments are entered on your web site schedules as a “save the date”. A note will also be added for each date that says “Coach will send out bracket with game times”. We won’t know your game times until we get the brackets about a week before your tournament. The AD will forward the brackets to the coaches once they are received. Then the coach will need to forward the brackets to the parents.

Tournaments we host:

  1. All St. Hubert teams are automatically entered into tournaments we host.
  2. The head and assistant coach(s) will need to be in the gym during the duration of the tournament that their team is hosting to oversee everything. They may need to cover any of the volunteer slots that someone is a “no show”.
  3. The Athletic Director, Tournament Director & sport Commissioner may stop by during the tournament to check on everything and support the coaches with any issues.
  4. For the last few games that awards are handed out, an Athletic board member should be present in the gym.
  5. For all volleyball & basketball Tournaments we host the head & assistant coach(s) will need to coordinate their parents to cover the door/concessions, clock & book for all games played. A volunteer web site sign will be sent to the coaches from the AD or Tournament Commissioner a few weeks before your tournament starts.
  6. For all volleyball & basketball tournaments we host the referees will be paid by the AD or the referee Commissioner.
  7. When we host games and families will be returning for a second game the same day the volunteer working the door should stamp everyone’s hand so they can return and not pay the admission fee twice in the same day.
  8. The MPR keys may need to be taken home so you can open the gym before the parish office opens.
  9. Dry erase boards are used to layout the brackets. These should be posted in the hallway outside the gym doors.

Team Trophies Won:

  1. The head coach should write his name, grade level & date on the back or bottom of the trophy with a sharpie.
  2. One of the Athletes should bring it to school and drop it off at the school office so it can be placed in the athletic trophy case.
  3. The head coach should email the AD the details of the win, so the AD can have the school add this to their afternoon announcements.
  4. The head coach can email the AD a picture of the team to post on the athletic web site.
  5. All of the trophies the teams win from their 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grade school years will be given to the coaches to hand out to the Athletes at the Athletic awards ceremony in May of their 8th grade school year.

5th Grade Basketball

  1. One of the NWCC conference school(s) will host a group of 5th grade games for the day (on Saturday’s or Sunday’s) with each of our team(s) playing in one of those games. This is done because of the referee’s for 5th grade conference games use 1 adult patched referee & 1 high school kid (which is a different pay scale than 6th, 7th & 8th grade games).
  2. Due to this type of scheduling the 5th grade teams will play most of their games away at other NWCC schools; however, we will also host some of the 5th grade games at St. Hubert based on gym availability.
  3. All 5th grade boys’ basketball conference games are scheduled to be played on Saturday’s and the 5th grade girls are on Sunday’s. But this is subject to conference gym availability and some boy’s games could end up on Sunday’s and some girl’s games could end up on Saturday’s. One of the conference school(s) will host a group of games for the day with each of ourteam(s) playing in one of those games. This is done because of the referee’s for 5th grade conference games use 1 adult patched referee & 1 high school kid.
  4. For all 5th grade boys & girls’ basketball games we HOST your team(s) will play in our gym for that day. You will need to get your parents to cover the door, clock & book for your game(s). You will also need to have your parents cover the door, clock & book for all of the other games played that day in our gym the day we host.
  5. If we are hosting games on Saturdays & Sundays, please make sure you sign out the MPR keys during the Parish Office hours. (See gym open and close procedures for Parish office hours).
  6. Our Athletic department writes a check at the beginning of the season to the conference to cover all of our referee fees for our 5th grade teams. Then referees are then paid from the conference referee commissioner.
  7. For ALL home,non-conference games the referee’s are paid from the referee envelope inside the safe.

Hosting games:

  1. For all games in our gym we need the coaches and their parents to help setup the gym for the first game of the night and close it down for the last game of the night.
  2. The keys to open the gym must be signed out from the parish office before the first game. After the last game, everything must be locked up and keys dropped back off at the parish office. Please reference the gym open and close procedures for further details.
  3. We charge admissions to all home games. Conference, non-conference & tournaments. Coaches & player’s admission fees are waived. Admission price sheets are in the safe and vary depending on the event. Some parents have St. Hubert lifetime passes that may be used to wave their families admission fees. We do not accept any type of pass from any other school.
  4. The benches should be setup with 10 chairs on each side. 2 chairs at the door and 2 chairs at the score table.
  5. When we host volleyball or basketball games the head & assistant coach(s) will need to coordinate their parents to cover the door/concessions, clock & book for all games played. The volunteer working the door must be parent or at least someone who is 21 years old. Kids can work the clock or book if properly trained. The volunteer working the door for the first game for the night will need to arrive 30 – 40 minutes before the game starts to collect the admissions at the door. If needed the coach(s) should keep the parents in the hallway until the parent working the door is ready.
  6. The concessions/door admissions cash box is stored in the AD room inside the safe. The coach for the first game of the night need to get it out of the safe. The coach for the last game of the night will need to return the concessions/door admissions box back to the safe.
  7. There is extra 10’s 5’s and singles in the top shelf in the safe in case the cash box for the door runs out.
  8. We have a prayer (our father) & pledge of allegiance CD in the CD player on the stage that should be played before every home game. It is about 1 minute run time.
  9. There is a dry erase board on the stage for coaches to use before, half-time or after a game. No kids are allowed on the stage without an adult at any time.

Hosting Volleyball Matches – Referees:

  1. For 5th to 8thboys & girl’s volleyball conference and non-conference games there will be a referee envelope in the AD room inside the safe with the date, number of matches and total amount of cash to pay the referee with. The coach(s) that have the first game of the night need to check with the referee and pay them for all of the matches they are the referee for. Most likely the referee will be working all of the games for the night.

Hosting Basketball Games – Referees:

  1. For 6th to 8thboys & girls’ basketball conference and all 5th to 8th boys & girls non-conference games there will be a referee envelope in the AD room inside the safe with the date, number of games and total amount of cash to pay the referees with. The coach(s) that have the first game of the night need to check with the referees and pay them for all of the games they are the referee for. Most likely the referees will be working all of the games for the night.
  2. In case the referee envelope for the games that day is short money or missing from the safe there is an envelope on the top shelf of the safe with extra referee money in it to pay the referees. Please contact the AD if you need to take any amount of money from this envelope.

Non-Conference Games

  1. St. Hubert Volleyball & basketball teams will follow our NWCC rules for all non-conference games we host.
  2. The volleyball & basketball coaches need to ask for a copy of the rules when playing at non-conference schools.

Coaches Shirts:

  1. All coaches should have a St. Hubert coach’s shirt. The coach’s shirt should be worn to all games.
  2. The coach’s shirts do not need to be returned. See the AD if you need a coach’s shirt replaced.

Athletic probation: