Year 5 / 6 / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6
Understanding English, communication and languages
/ Non- fiction focus / Poetry focus / Poetry focus / Non- fiction focus / Poetry focus / Non- fiction focus
Stories about Adventure and Mystery
Using information to text to recount facts, using and making leaflets and newspapers / Stories set in imaginary worlds
Different types of poems: Poetry that does not Rhyme / Stories with patterned and predictable language
Poetry: pattern and rhyme / Stories about Myths and legends
Using information text to make explanations and reporting / Stories with realistic fiction including vehicles
Poetry: Performance Poetry / Stories from a range of cultures and environments
Using information texts to form and present an argument
Drama: Mime, Hot-Seating, Performing and Appraising, Set/Creative Area design, Costuming, Captions, Dialogue, Echo Circle, Improvisation, Narration, Setting the Scene, Shared drawing, Speech and thought bubbles, Freeze framing and Story boarding
Early Number / Sequencing of numbers
Counting to find a quantity
Recording/Data Handling / Recognition of numerals Sequencing / Early Addition & Subtraction
Recording/Data Handling / Sequencing of numbers
Counting to find a quantity
Recording/Data Handling / Recognition of numerals Sequencing / Early Addition & Subtraction
Recording/Data Handling / Sequencing of numbers
Counting to find a quantity
Recording/Data Handling / Recognition of numerals Sequencing / Early Addition & Subtraction
Recording/Data Handling
Number / Number and Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Statistics / Number and Place Value
Statistics / Number and Place Value
Multiplication and Division
Statistics / Number and Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Statistics / Number and Place Value
Statistics / Number and Place Value
Multiplication and Division
Measurement and Geometry / Measurement
Size /Mass / Capacity / Geometry
2-d and 3-d shape
position and direction / Measurement
Time and Money / Measurement
Size /Mass / Capacity / Geometry
2-d and 3-d shape
position and direction / Measurement
Time and Money
Seasonal Changes and weather patterns – Block Week each term
Scientific and technological understanding / Humans
Electricity / Everyday materials and their uses
Forces and Movement / Plants
(incl Life Processes) / Humans
Everyday materials and their uses / Forces and Movement
Electricity / Plants
(incl Life Processes)
DT / Famous designers
Understanding electrical systems
Programming and controlling products / Investigate and analyse a range of existing products
Plan, design and make products fit for purpose / Understanding seasonality
Including cooking savoury dishes /healthy eating / Plan, design and make products and evaluate using materials linked to topic / Investigate and analyse a range of existing products
Plan, design and make products linked to transport and inventions
Mechanical systems
Programming and controlling products / Plan, design and make products, healthy eating
2 weeks focus each term in Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science
Computing / Digital Literacy
Online safety
Purple Mash logins
Virtual reality – historical times (Cross Curr)
Keyboard skills (Cross Curr)
Making a leaflet (English)
Computer Science
Algorithms (Maths) / Digital Literacy
Online safety
Virtual reality – different world, Minecraft (Cross Curr)
Stop animation (English)
Computer Science
Digital music (Cross curr) / Digital Literacy
Online safety
Google Earth
Interactive Stories (Cross Curr)
Computer Science
Logical reasoning games / Digital Literacy
Online safety
Using search technologies e.g. voice recognition/Google search (Cross Curr)
Report writing e.g. Purple Mash (English)
Computer Science
Purple mash code / Digital Literacy
Online safety
Stop animation (English)
Computer Science
Algorithms e.g. robots (Maths) / Digital Literacy
Online safety
Using search technologies e.g. voice recognition/Google search (Cross Curr)
Information reports e.g. Purple Mash (English)
Historical, geographical and social understanding / History
Changes in living memory and timelines (extended period study)
Recent British History
Lives of significant individuals
Living Conditions
Games and toys
Black History week / Geography:
Looking after our world and environment (economic activity including Fair Trade produce and distribution of natural resources where applicable)
Geographical vocabulary
Map reading using world maps, atlases, globes and computer mapping using 4 or 8 compass points
Physical and man-made features / Geography:
Water cycle and weather
Contrasting Locations global / History
Events beyond living memory and timelines
Ancient History
Living Conditions
Games and toys
Olympics / History
Different vehicles through history project linked to Britain through the ages – historical study / Geography:
Contrasting Locations local
Countries of the British Isles /map reading using a key and simple coordinates. Devise a simple map
Field work
MFL / Listen and engage
Appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes
Show understanding of words and phrases
Religious education / Beliefs values and practice linked to:
Reflection / Beliefs values and practice linked to:
Creation Stories
Reflection / Major world religions
Visits to local religious centres
Visits from local religious speakers
Reflection / Beliefs values and practice linked to:
Reflection / Beliefs values and practice linked to:
Creation Stories
Reflection / Major World religions
Visits to local religious centres
Visits from local religious speakers
Understanding the arts / Art:
Drawing, painting and sculpture
Famous Artists linked to topic themes
William Morris, textiles and printing
Victorian Scrapbooks
Silhouettes, / Art:
Drawing, painting and sculpture
Famous Artists linked to topic themes
Comic book art
3D, 2D art / Art
Drawing, painting and sculpture
Famous Artists linked to topic themes
landscapes– Turner, Monet, Hockney, Constable / Art
Drawing, painting and sculpture
Famous Artists linked to topic themes
Portraits: classical, pop art, Picasso
Sculpture: using clay, Greek plates and pottery / Art
Drawing, painting and sculpture
Famous Artists linked to topic themes
Art and movement – dynamism in paintings, futurism / Art
Drawing, painting and sculpture
Famous Artists linked to topic themes
3d art using natural/man- made materials – giant plants
Animal camouflage
Improve mastery of art and design techniques, learn about artists, differences and similarities with own work and artists. Experience a visiting artist.
Use a personal sketchbook
Explore music through listening, composing and performing music in groups and as individuals. Improvise and compose. Musical notation /symbols. Listen to and enjoy live and recorded music. History of music – relate to topics.
Understanding physical development, health and wellbeing / Health & wellbeing / Relationships
(Inc. SRE- sex & relationships education) / Living in the wider world / Health & wellbeing / Relationships
(Inc. SRE- sex & relationships education) / Living in the wider world
Assembly themes / Looking after ourselves
Healthy living- diet, physical, emotional
Safety around the home, including e-safety
Who to go to if we need help & how to ask for help
Managing change, loss and associated feelings / Respect
Healthy relationships/ friendships
Special people, what makes them special
Judging appropriate physical contact &affection (family/ friends/ strangers) / All around us
Contrasting global locations- diversity & equality
That people and living things have needs
Understanding rules
Sense of belonging- groups & communities / Out and about
People & communities Inc. diversity & equality
Safety out and about- water, road, stranger danger
Keeping themselves & others safe
Asking for help- how & from who / Getting on & falling out
Relationships, feelings & emotions (including bullying)
Resolving conflicts & asking for help
Listening to and co-operating with others / Staying safe
Safety- water, road, stranger danger, e-safety
The role money plays in life
Understanding rules & responsibilities
That people and living things have needs
Games skills, team games, gymnastics, athletics and dance will be taught over the yearly cycle
Each class will swim for one term per year. Children may also access hydrotherapy, soft play and horse riding as stated in the EHCPs
Extended Learning Opportunities / Preston Manor
Horsham Museum
Amberly Chalk Pits
Booth Museum
Hove Museum
Victorian theme days
Theatre trips / workshops linked to texts / Recycling Centre
Tillgate Park
Imaginary World theme days
Theatre trips / workshops linked to texts / Kew gardens
Architectural plants
Wakehurst place
Nymans gardens
Contrasting Locations theme days
Theatre trips / workshops linked to texts / Brighton museum
Science museum
Visits relating to sound topic, musical performances etc.
Humans and health theme days
Theatre trips / workshops linked to texts / Brooklands Museum
Horsham Museum
Tangmere Aviation Museum
Redhill aerodrome
Gatwick Airport
Goffs Park –Train Ride
Vehicles and inventions theme days
Theatre trips / workshops linked to texts / Drusilla’s
Garden Centres
Sea life Centre
Tillgate Park
Buchan park
London Zoo
Local environments
Ponds, woods, meadows, Mill pond, sea side
Pulborough Brooks
Animals and plants theme days
Theatre trips / workshops linked to texts