Job Evaluation Guidance

Toolkit to Reward Policy

Version 1.0


All jobs in the council, except teachers, medical professionals, fire-fighters and certain jobs in Children’s Services are evaluated using the HAY Job Evaluation system. The HAY Job Evaluation system is used to give each job a score which is then related to the HCC Grading Structure. Every job covered by HAY must be evaluated. It is not sufficient to assume a grade.
It is important to follow the stages set out in this document and use the correct forms. This is to ensure that proper consideration is given to all jobs and a fair and equitable evaluation is made.
If you have any queries regarding evaluating a job, you should refer to your HR Consultant. If you have a query regarding the Job Evaluation administration process please email .

Getting a job Evaluated

AJob Evaluation Questionnaire should be completed to get a job evaluated.

Jobs operate as part of the organisational structure; therefore you may wish to refer to the Workforce Design Guide. The design guide ensures the Council is organised and structured effectively, to enable the delivery of high quality, sustainable, services, using efficient and cost effective structures, which are consistent across the organisation.
The questionnaire should be completed by either the job holder(s) or manager of the post, the final job evaluation questionnaire must be signed and agreed both by the job holder and the Manager in the employing department.
Advice and guidance on writing a job evaluation questionnaire can be found at the end of the job evaluation form. Sample JEQs are also available on the intranet from your HR Consultant. The HR Strategy Policy and Reward team is also available to offer technical expertise on all aspects of the Hay Job Evaluation process.
The completed Job Evaluation Questionnaire should be emailed to your HR Consultant who will agree with the HR Reward, Working and Learning team team a suitable panel date for the job to be evaluated. At the same time the need for an expert witness must be discussed.
An expert witness is normally a management representative from the employing department who can explain the job in greater detail. The job evaluation panel may ask for an expert witness to attend if clarification is required on any aspect of the job. In any event the employing department may decide to send one. The job holder cannot be the expert witness. The employing department must ensure that any expert witness is available on the date agreed, otherwise the evaluation will be delayed.
Job Evaluation panels are held weekly and dates are published in advance to Herts HR teams. This is to enable departments to plan their job evaluation requirements. Job Evaluation Questionnaires must be sent to HR Reward Working and Learning team at least seven working days prior to the agreed panel date.

The Job Evaluation Panel & Results
A job evaluation panel comprises an HR representative and a Unison Representative. Neither of the panel members will be from the employing department. An expert witness from the employing department may also attend the panel to provide more information on the job. The evaluation of the job will be made by the HR representative and the Unison representative. The expert witness does not take part in the final decision.

Job Evaluation Results
Once the job has been evaluated the result will be sent by email to the line manager of the post. The email will instruct the line manager to complete the appropriate form, attached to the result email to implement the new grade. Once the relevant forms have been completed and returned, a formal letter, using the standard letter Job Evaluation Results will be sent to all post holders confirming the result.

The effective date is normally the date on which the panel considered the job. However, this date may be varied, dependent on individual circumstances, as determined by the employing department.
It is the responsibility of the HR Consultant to offer support and guidance and briefly explain the HAY evaluation line. The Job Evaluation Guide can be used to help explain evaluations. Unison representatives are also available to give advice and assistance to job holders.

Job Evaluation Appeals
Who can Appeal
Employees whose jobs are submitted for evaluation have the right to appeal against the grade but only if they were in the job when it was evaluated. Employees coming into a job after an evaluation do not have the right of appeal.

Criteria for Appeals
Job Holders can appeal against the evaluation of their job if they;

  • Feel the panel did not fully understand the job
  • Wish to compare their job with another HAY evaluated job within HCC

It is up to the job holder to decide whether or not to appeal against an evaluation.

In an appeal no account can be taken of any task that is not in the original job evaluation questionnaire. Similarly, it is not possible to compare with another HCC job that is not HAY evaluated.

If you have decided to appeal
Employees have one month to appeal from the notification of the original job evaluation result. An appeal statement, using the Job Evaluation Appeal form must be sent by the job holder to their HR Consultant.
The job holder's HR Consultant will need to send the Job Evaluation Appeal form to Once the appeal form has been received by the Pay and reward Team will organise an appeal panel.
The Appeal Panel
An Appeals panel comprises a management representative and a Unison representative. An HR representative also attends in an advisory capacity but takes no part in the decision making process. None of the panel members will be from the employing department, nor will they have been involved in the original evaluation.
The job holder will be expected to attend the panel hearing. In the case of a group appeal, it is not necessary for all job holders to attend. A representative number, normally no more than two, is sufficient. Job holders may also be accompanied by a work colleague or a Unison representative to support their appeal.
A representative of the employing department will also be expected to attend the appeals hearing. The role of this representative is not to support or otherwise the appeal. Their role is to answer questions of fact, NOT to give opinions.
The HR Reward team will advise the job holder in writing of the appeal panel arrangements. The HR Consultant will inform the departmental representative.
The Appeal panel's decision is final and there is no further right of appeal.
An email will be sent to the line manager of the post with the appeal result. The Line Manager will need to complete the appropriate form, attached to the email and send it to the Serco Payroll and HR Transactions team. The Serco Payroll and HR Transaction team will then send a formal notification to the job holders of the appeal result using the Appeal Result letter.
The effective date of this Appeal evaluation should be determined by the Line manager and the HR Consultant considering when the full duties of the job commenced.

Job Evaluation Guidance

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